
Authoritative Information Authority issued Authority publishing


authority即可 绝对没错!或者:authoritative person


1、license authoritatively权威性地特许 2、license legally合法地许可 3、license medically医学上许可 4、license nominally名义上许可 5、license officially官方特许 扩展资料: 词语用法: v.(动词) license的基本意思是批准某人以某种资格从事某种行动或经营某种业务,并授予正式的法律许可。引申则可表示“授权”...


Like this, <<Jane? Dr.eye: Love >>Authoritative to obtain balance between the personal will in society too, Luo Xia the base of a fruit can publish one's own works. 勃朗特的小说用第一人称能够与读者建立亲密的关系:从友善的开篇——我很高兴,我从不喜欢长途散步——到结尾处秘而不宣的合谋“...

大拿[dà ná]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?

1. What does "大拿" [dà ná] mean?"大拿" is a dialect term used to refer to someone who is the most authoritative person in a certain area, unit, or aspect.2. Synonyms and antonyms of "大拿" [dà ná]?Synonyms: Key person, influential figure Antonyms: Nobody, ...


英语inspect format翻译成中文是:“检查格式”。重点词汇:inspect 一、单词音标 inspect单词发音:英 [ɪnˈspɛkt] 美 [ɪnˈspɛkt]。二、单词释义 v. 检查;视察 三、词形变化 动词过去式: inspected 动词过去分词: inspected 动词现在分词: inspecting 动词第...

doctrine是什么意思 doctrine怎么翻译及发音

英音 [dɔktrin] ;,美音 ['dɑktrɪn] ;,名词 不可数名词: 可数名词: 1.(宗教的)教义,教旨 2.主义,信条; 3.学说,原理 4.教导,教诲 ,a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school,the doctrine of necessity ...

请英文好的朋友将下列中文翻译成英文 5

defending world peace and security, promoting social and economic development, and so on. By the time of June, 2006, the number of its member states has mounted up from 51 when it was born to 192, growing the most universal, authoritative, intergovernmental organization of sovereign...


According to authoritative department issued a report, in the traffic accident death toll has more than the second world war, the death toll。


not self-centered; willing praised the humility to accept the superior who, authoritative; 100% enthusiasm and effort put into the work; approachable. Sincere, cheerful, proactive, adaptable, studious, down-to-earth, strong teamwork, proactive work attitude. The job intention hillock tim...