李刚被评为。 广州三好学生。 英语作文

If you want to be a good student, three attributes can help you in your studies.First, a sense of responsibility is important for building a sound character. If you aren't responsible, you'll postpone your assignments or devote too little time to your schoolwork.Second, in scho...


In my opionion, it's good to do the thing.It can encourage students to make progress.

英语作文 为某同学获得三好学生表示祝贺

I am very happy to know you have got Bachelor's Degree. Congratulations! This is the result that you have been working hard in study.I know your grades is very good and I believe you will make good progress in the future. I hope we can help each other and work hard toget...

英语作文 让我们学习三好学生的行为

Do a good child in the home, to be a good student in school, a good citizen in the community. This is Miyoshi students must do, is what I must do!At home I never capricious, crying, tantrums. Home to the guests, I helped my mother to pour out the tea, put chopsticks...




Let the "good student" get more spiritual rewards, increasing the students ideas and incentives of honor, rather than the "good student" reputation into a sense of superiority or the fact that the presence of "privilege." Focus on ideas and motivate students on the honor, no ...


Last week,our classmates discussed whether we should elect TripleA students.Most of the students agreee to the election. Because they think they do well in everything.And can set a good example to other students.Second,the students can learn from each other.Third,it can be ...

英语作文 是否应该评选三好学生

Last week,our classmates discussed whether we should elect TripleA students.Most of the students agreee to the election. Because they think they do well in everything.And can set a good example to other students.Second,the students can learn from each other.Third,it can be ...


此外,我还多次在校级的征文、演讲比赛中获得好成绩,事迹材料《初中三好学生个人事迹材料》。XX年我获得学校数学竞赛二等奖,XX年获得物理竞赛一等奖和数学竞赛一等奖。在学校举办的英语小品比赛中,我表演的小品《小马过河》获得三等奖。 二、老师的助手,同学的榜样。 在班级工作中我积极做好老师的助手,初一时英语老师...

指出下列作文题目的体裁。 《记一个三好学生》( ...

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