
correct 正确: 谐音: 可如爱特 right adv.正确: 谐音: 如爱特。 注意: 如爱是连读的。

find the correct place for each fish怎么读

中文谐音:饭得 舌 扣暖扣特 剖累撕 佛 亦取 费虚 correct [kə'rekt]adj. 正确的;恰当的;端正的 vt. 改正;告诫 vi. 调整;纠正错误 例句:The correct answer is apparent. 正确的答复如何,是很明显的。


脯罗难西A深 哎得 思必KING。发音和说话Mandarin Pronunciation and Speaking 国音及说话,Speaking Ability And,Pronunciation 口语能力和发音,脯罗难西A深 哎得 思必KING。这些都是典型的谐音歇后语。谐音还广泛运用于日常生活之中,如谐音名字,谐音对联等等。利用谐音构词是构词的一种方式,他能让语...


一个人应该为世界和平事业尽最大努力。One should do his best for the cause of world peace.我认为你说美国是世界和平的障碍是不对的。I don't think it is correct of you to say that America is a balk to world peace.达成和平协定的概率是零。The probability of a peace agreement bei...

mistake proofingl怎么读

没有proofingl这个单词,应是:mistake proofing 读作:[mɪ'steɪk 'pru:fiŋ]中文谐音:昧丝忒克 泼入夫英 翻译:防错;防误措施;错误校对 双语例句:Review Mistake Proofing, confirm that Mistake Proofing deviceswork correctl?回顾防错,确认防错设备是否起作用?


5. 가슴이 따뜻한 생각이 반듯한 조금은 차분한 남자가 되줘【Let your warm heart and correct thoughts make ...

谁能帮我用中文谐音翻译一下这首歌的歌词 歌名是 女士们先生们 我就...

And correct it 案的 克乳癌科特 伊特 Ladies and gentlemen I 'm wishing you well 雷迪斯 按的 展涛们 爱慕 我是应 有 外奥 It 's time for me to stop living this hell 一次 檀木 佛奥 米 吐 死道破 礼物应 日A死 还奥 I have only one heart 爱 还无 噢里 午安 和特 Time...

怎样划分英语单词音节 详细�0�3

1、大多数外国地名、人名和物名最初译成中文时,是按其谐音来翻译的。学习这类英文单词时,可按谐音结合英语字母及字母组合发音规律来识记。如:新加坡———Singapore, 越南———Vietnam,萨达姆———Shakespeare,迪斯尼———Disney,拷贝———copy,吉他———guitar,可口可乐———cocacola,巧克力———chocolate ...

no madonna的中文谐音翻译!!跪求啊!!!速度啊!!悬赏50分!!

And correct it Ladies and gentlemen I 'm wishing you well It 's time for me to stop living this hell I have only one heart Time for me to restart And protect it Had enough And now I 'm leaving Elvis has left the building You had your chance You had the honour But ...

No Madonna 男士们女士们中文谐音翻译跪求,雷的森。杰特们,哈里有肚...

And correct it Ladies and gentlemen I 'm wishing you well It 's time for me to stop living this hell I have only one heart Time for me to restart And protect it Had enough And now I 'm leaving Elvis has left the building You had your chance You had the honour But ...