
meat的造句:1、We source all the meat sold in our stores from British farms.我们商店里卖的肉均从英国农场购进。2、There's not much meat on this chop.这块猪排上没什么肉。3、Use any leftover meat to make a curry.要是有剩肉就做咖喱菜。4、The meat was ─ how shall I put ...


肉的英文为meat,meat的造句如下。1、The meat will rot if it isnt kept cool,译文为肉如果不冷藏就会;2、She ge some of the meat to the cat,译文为她把一些肉给猫吃了;3、There not much meat on that bone,译文为那块骨头上没多少肉;4、The meat will scorch if you dont lower...


1. Meat牛肉 is a good source of protein.(牛肉是良好的蛋白质来源。)2. You shouldn't eat too much meat牛肉 if you are trying to lower your cholesterol.(如果你试图降低胆固醇,就不应该吃太多牛肉。)

用meat drink和dessert分别造句 准确点

What kind of meat do you like?Let's drink some coffee, shall we?The doctor told him not to eat too much dessert.

meat 同音字

meat 同音字:meet 1、meat 英 [miːt]美 [mit]n. 肉,肉类(食用)2、meet 英 [miːt]     美 [miːt]v. 遇见;满足 n. 运动会;集会 adj. 合适的


meat(肉),wine(酒),paper(纸),ink(墨水),gas(气体),water(水),oxygen(氧)等.Air and water are necessary to life.空气和水是生命所必需的.It is important to get something down on paper.重要的是要把一些事情写在纸上 She allowed herself no meat and sweets.她克制自己不吃肉和糖果.


meat(肉),wine(酒),paper(纸),ink(墨水),gas(气体),water(水),oxygen(氧)等。air and water are necessary to life.空气和水是生命所必需的。it is important to get something down on paper.重要的是要把一些事情写在纸上 she allowed herself no meat and sweets.她克制自己不吃肉和糖果...


1.meat\you\eat in a week How much meat do you eat in a week?2.fruit\you\eat?How much fruit do you eat?3.milk\you\have with your coffee or tea?How much milk do you have with your coffee or tea? of water\you\have in the morning?How many glasses of water ...


1)用monkey和tiger和meat造句 the monkey meat and the tiger meat taste different.(2)用Xiao Ming和father和computer games造句 Xiao Ming and his father are playing computer games.(3)用football和Tom和teacher和classroom造句 The teacher told Tom not to play football in the classroom.(...


兔肉英文为Rabbit meat。Rabbit meat指的是从家兔或野兔身上取得的肉类。兔肉是一种低脂高蛋白的膳食,含有丰富的维生素B12和铁质,通过食用兔肉,可以加强身体的肌肉和身体的健康。在各个国家,尤其是欧洲国家,兔肉也是许多传统菜肴的主要成分。以下为Rabbit meat造句。He loves to cook and experiment with...