例如,下面创建了一个T表 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE TABLE T (NAME VARCHAR2(20))'你上次说写了会报错,你能把你写的过程贴出来么!!
1.分析更新表的统计信息,,有可能导致执行计划改变..2.以的analyze table abc compute statistics;这条为例,生成的统计信息会存在于user_tables这个视图,查看一下select from user_tables where table_name='ABC';观察一下NUM_ROWS,BLOCKS,AVG_SPACE,AVG_ROW_LEN几列你就会明白,这就是变化。分析完...
代码:create table t1 as select * from user_objects;create table t2 as select * from user_objects;create table t3 as select * from user_objects;create table t4 as select * from user_objects;create unique index pk_t1_idx on t1(object_id);create unique index pk_t2_idx on t2...
'D:ORACLEORADATATESTREDO01.LOG'ORA-27041:unable to open file OSD-04002:unable to open file O/S-Error:(OS 2)系统找不到指定的文件 2、查看V$log,发现是当前日志 SQL> select group#,sequence#,archived,status from v$log;GROUP SEQUENCE ARCHIVED STATUS --- --- --- --- 1 1 NO...
诊断ORA-08102错误 [oracle@mlab2 ~]oerr ora 8102 08102,00000,"index key not found,obj s,file s,block s (%s)"// Cause:Internal error:possible inconsistency in index // Action:Send trace file to your customer support representative,along // with information on reproducing the erro...