
The straightforward answer to your query is: "So, while I'm still by your side, make sure you treasure me twice over." This translation, provided by Baidu Knows, offers a clear and concise interpretation of the original Chinese phrase, emphasizing the importance of valuing the tim...


fun可以作形容词,理论上的比较级形式是funner,因为是单音节词。不过,fun作形容词的用法比较有限,一般只能作修饰名词的前置定语,因此,它的比较级形式几乎不用。给你一些例子,让你更了解fun作形容词时的意义和用法:Try snowboarding – it's a really fun sport.She's a really fun person to ...


Buck and John simply adopt themselves to answer the call of the wild. When it comes to Buck’s mind that one day he will eventually leave John- his master,

business manner是什么意思

business manner [英][ˈbiznis ˈmænə][美][ˈbɪznɪs ˈmænɚ]商业习惯;例句:1.Ay at work you still answer the phone in a business manner.从漫长一天的工作中回到家,你仍用一副公事公办的态度讲电话。2.Even if gross p...


Dilraba not only looks good, but also has a very straightforward personality, with a funny and humorous speech. I was very interested in various arts since I was a child, and actively requested to learn piano, dance, violin, guitar and so on.迪丽热巴不但外表好看,而且性格也是十分...


The article at hand provides a straightforward answer to its title: the English word for 'three' is 'three'. Pronounced as [θri:], it is a versatile number that holds different meanings in various contexts.In its numerical sense, 'three' is used to represent the quantity of ...


straightforward [streit�0�4f�0�0:w�0�5d]adj.(人或其态度)正直的, 坦率的; 老实的 She gave me a straightfor-ward answer.她坦率地回答了我。简单的; 易懂的 This is a straightforward task.这是一项很容易完成的任务。


How do you interact with your classmates? The answer is quite straightforward. When you encounter your friends, greet them with a warm "Hello!" Such politeness is likely to make them feel joyful, thinking of you as a kind and considerate individual.Assisting classmates when they ...


1. How do you interact with your classmates? The answer is quite straightforward. When you encounter your friends, greet them with a warm "Hello!" This simple act of politeness can bring joy to your classmates, making them perceive you as a kind and considerate individual.2. ...


If you're wondering how to express "橡皮擦" in English, the answer is quite straightforward. The English equivalent for 橡皮擦 is "eraser." This small, indispensable tool is used for removing ink or pencil marks from paper, and it plays a crucial role in our daily writing and...