
4. scenic (adj.) 风景的 --- scenery (n.) 风景 --- scene (n.) 景色 5. provide (v.) 提供 --- produce (v.) 生产 --- production (n.) 生产 --- product (n.) 产品 6. complete (v.) 完成--- complete (adj.) 完整 ---completely (adv.) 完整地 7. official (adj...

备考策略:详解雅思阅读中的同义转换技巧 雅思阅读同义词转换一、词的转换1. 相同词性的同义替换:相同词性的同义替换一般指的是只涉及单个单词的转换。单个单词的转换包括词性转换及同义词转换。其中词性转换是相对简单的一种,词汇量可观的考生自然可以游刃有余,轻松应对;即便不【想知道留学费用和奖学金信息吗?请...

home 词性转换

1. provide with, or send to, a home 2. return home accurately from a long distance homing pigeons adj.1. used of your own ground; home(a)a home game 2. relating to or being where one lives or where one's roots are my home town 3. inside the country; home(a), inte...


1. 前缀:一般而言,前缀只改变词的含意,并不改变词的词性,有些前缀如 en- , under- 等却使原词改变了词性,如 force ( n 力量)— enforce ( v 加强);rich ( adj 富有)— enrich ( v 使富裕);line ( n 线)— underline ( v 在……之下画线)。 ①表示否定意义的前缀,往往使原词变成它的反义词。


下面是变好了的,按照你排列的顺序:careless unhappy friendly healthly useless,useful speaker headache sportsman likely,likehood,alike safety thirsty helpful,helpless successful,succeed motherhood championship humourous



Many of us invest valuable time,energy and money planning our vacati...

词性转换。根据第一段中的最后一句Vacations help us perform better at work, improve our sleep quality and cushion us against depression.可以归纳出答案,注意动词perform变为名词。小题3:quality of sleep。词义归纳。根据第一段中的最后一句Vacations help us perform better at work, improve our ...


1. investigation 2. the worry is anxious 3. circle 4. the knowledge is profound 5. listener 3 pair of correctness 4. cover 8 provide 9 rejection 10 are injured the ache 11 racks 12 remainders 13 burn 14 deep 15 possibly 13 picnics 17 owner 18 neighbors 19 noises 20 are ...

翻译基础|句句分析20篇 Passage 1

①中文地“永不止息的”是形容词,可将其词性转换,译为动词性质,译成 go on without end。--》【翻译句子5】东方不亮西方亮,我床前的晚霞,正向美国东岸的慰冰湖上走去……--》词汇提示 01 落霞 the rosy sunset glow 02 东方不亮西方亮 when it is dark in the east it is light in ...

shift -link这个词 是什么意思, "连接"的意思吗

字型转换:在打字机或电脑键盘上按一个键,使换成大写字母字型 n.(名词)A change from one person or configuration to another; a substitution.转换:由一个人或结构到另一个的转变;替代物 A group of workers that relieve another on a regular schedule.轮班职工:按规定的日程表接替另一批...