
vi. 见证; 做证人;[例句]Witnesses to the crash say they saw an explosion just before the disaster 目击者称,就在灾难发生之前他们看见飞机发生了爆炸。[其他] 第三人称单数:witnesses 复数:witnesses 现在分词:witnessing过去式:witnessed 过去分词:witnessed ...

这句话The past twenty years witnessed the fast development怎么理解...

在这句话里,我们要注意with ,证明是互联网跟随经济发展,而不是和或与,所以翻译,过去的二十年见证了互联网伴随全国经济的飞速发展

E-commerce has witnessed a steady growth these years.witness 怎么...

你好, witness本意是:见证;这里应转译 这些年电子商务经历了稳步增长。


let's see the moving moment一起见证感动的时刻- -!

current years witnessed the issure of environment widely debated,wh...

witness,see可以有“经历、目睹”的意思,比如说:the building witnesses the development of our society. 目睹 the figure saw/witnessed an upward trend between 1990 and 1995 经历 我觉得environment widely debated这个地方怪怪的,楼主想表达什么意思呢?是说“近些年来,环境问题被广泛讨论吗...

...杭州见证我的出生。我写Hangzhou has witnessed my birth.我_百度...

“见证”一词可以用 witness,也可以用 see,可以翻译如下:Hangzhou witnessed my birth. 杭州曾目睹我的出生。Hangzhou saw my birth. 杭州经历过我的出生。如果改为“杭州见证了我的成长”,见证的是从出生到长大的整个过程,这样才能用现在完成时态:Hangzhou has witnessed my growth. 杭州目睹我了...


witnessed,动词,目击、见证的意思 interest是名词作宾语,much修饰interest among是介词,among the astronomical community and the wider public 是介词短语作状语,这里是地点状语 in也是介词,in the collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter也是介词短语作状语,这里是地点状语 ...


I have witnessed / seen every part of your growth


过去的三十年见证了中国经济的迅速发展英文:The past 30 years have witnessed the rapid development of China's economy.核心词汇释义:过去:past;former times;history;pass (by);go over;三十:thirty;thirtieth 见证:bear witness/testimony;give witness;witness;testimony 中国:China 经济:...

英语。Recent years have witnessed a growing social m

做主语,用see, witness等动词作谓语,这是现代英文常用的一种写法,经常出现在报刊和报告里,很地道。但是你提供的这个译文并不是最好,因为witness这样的词做谓语时,并不必须翻成“见证”(要“见证”也是时间见证了事件,而不是人见证事件),其实只要翻成【近年来社会流动性不断增长】即可。