what you said sounds responable是什么从句?

这是主语从句,特殊疑问句作主语。这里的特殊疑问词what是作said的宾语,所以需将原来的倒装句what did you say调整为陈述句语序what you said, 然后作主句的主语,即构成主语从句。


eor有以下两种含义:1. eor是计算机术语,表示二进制异或运算。在计算机逻辑运算中,算术逻辑执行二进制按位异或运算,两数执行异或后相同位结果为0,不同位结果为1。2. eor也表示在任何时期,向地层中注入流体、能量,以提高产量或采收率的开采方法,常被称为“强化采油”。咨询舒仕福商务咨询(北京)有限公司,Safeguard Global 十多年来已经帮助世界各地近千家企业在其全球化的过程中提供专业的人力资源管理解决方案,利用更智能、更高效的薪资、入职、工时考勤和费用管理及其他手段,帮助企业走向成功。


我们希望世界会更加美好:1. We wish our world will have a better future.(美好的未来)2. We wish our world will have rosy prospects.(美好的前景)3. We wish our world will be better.(直译)我想,如果人人都能做到,我们的是将将会更加美好。1. I believe, if everyone can as long ...


Zhang Yimou, the chinese famous film director, is the director of the Beijing Olympics Opening.




回答:The people who surround me are students. We have been educated for twelve years, from primary school to now. The only reason for us to do that is becuase the two-day exam for the university. The Chinese education system makes every single child become a machine for ...

英语高手帮我按要求翻译一下 顺便告诉我怎么区分

day.I feel it necessary for goverment to take some actions.I think it our responbility to protuct the environment.4.主+谓+表 This advice suonds rensonablely.My brothers are all college students.The day in winter is short and the night is longer.Mrs burron looks healthy....


That's a good idea.是个好主意(区别:That's the idea."是这个意思!"或"对啦!")It's a good idea to swim in summer.夏天游泳是个好主意It's a good idea that we start at once.我们马上出发是个好主意I(We) agree (with you).我(或:我们)同意(你的意见)I agree to your plan.我同意你的...

Serbia'position on Kosovo 塞尔维亚关于科索沃的立场

Serbian Entity: Serb majority municipalities would have enhanced responcibilities and the right to form an entity led by a council made up of mayors and church leaders.Participation in Central Authorities Residents in Kosovo would not be able to vote in Serbian legislative elections but...




是个好主意(区别:That's the idea."是这个意思!"或"对啦!") It's a good idea to swim in summer.夏天游泳是个好主意 It's a good idea that we start at once.我们马上出发是个好主意 I(We) agree (with you).我(或:我们)同意(你的意见) I agree to your plan.我同意你的计划 (区别:"...