get on/along的所有解释(有例句)

1. 进展 Everything was getting on very well.一切进行得很顺利。2. 出人头地 He's sure to get on in the world.他一定会出人头地。3. 登(车);上(马)There was a long wait before they could get on the train.他们上火车之前等了很长时间。get along 1. 过活 We can get along ...

用get on造句

I'm not getting on very fast with this job.我这份工作进展不太快。go [get] on [along] swimmingly 进行顺利 [过着顺利的生活]ride [get on] one's hobbyhorse 拿出看家本领 Be quiet and get on with your work.安静下来, 继续做你们的工作.Now we'll get on to the next item on ...

解释get in和get on的区别。

1.穿上(衣服等);戴上(帽子等);盖上(盖子等):例句:Get on your rubbers,we have to go out in the rain.穿上你的胶鞋,我们必须在雨天外出.I can't get the lid on,the box is too full.我盖不上盖子,箱子太满了.2.开(灯、开关等);放上;安上:例句:Get some more wood on,t...

get on my nerves是什么意思

He just get on my nerves.不过他刺痛了我的神经。You really get on my nerves.你真的烦死我了。get on [英][ɡet ɔn][美][ɡɛt ɑn]上车; 进行; 变老; 对付;nerves [英][nɜ:vs][美][nɜ:vs]n.神经质,神经紧张; 神经( nerve的名词复数 ); 勇气; ...

用get on get off造句

get on 1.进展 Everything was getting on very well.一切进行得很顺利。2.出人头地 He's sure to get on in the world.他一定会出人头地。3.上车 I got on the bus ten minutes ago.get off 动身 They got off immediately after lunch.他们吃过午饭马上就动身了。2.免于受罚 The boy ...

用get on,head for,pull over,get off造句

get on,the train is about to leave.,Let's get on.火车马上就要开了,咱们上车吧。head for Soem one likes to head for the beach to cool off.一些人喜欢到海滩来凉快凉快。pull over,Please pull over and stop over there.请靠边,在那儿停下来 get off which station we should get...

get on和get in分别是上什么车?【谢谢】

get on上公交车,火车,有阶梯,比较高的交通工具 例句:Before you can learn to ride a horse,you have to be able get on it.get in一般指上小汽车,即car底盘比较低,不用费力抬腿。例句 : He invited us to get in the car and go for a ride with him....

get on (well) with造句

1,He didn't get on (well)with his parents .他和他的父母相处得不好。2,Lily gets on (well)with her classmates.莉莉和她的同学们相处得很好。

Get on your feet. 这句英语是什么意思?

读音【ɡet ɔn wʌnz fi:t】意思【起立发言,病后身体复原】例句:take these tablets and you'll soon get on your feet.吃下这些药,你很快就会康复的。you can pay the money back after you find work and get on your feet again.你可以在找到工作能自力更生以后再把钱还我...

get on one’s feet 造句

起立发言,病后身体复原 he got on his feet to anwser the question he gets on his feet after two-day rest