
例句:The challenge is to supply sufficient amounts of affordable energy to power our lives and build an energy system that can sustain future generations.我们的挑战是为生活提供足够可以负担得起的能源,并建立一个对后代来说可持续的能源系统。希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!!


[例句]这样一来,运营商将能够提供价格实惠的无补贴iPhone,进一步加强对价格敏感型市场的渗透。This would enable carriers to offer affordable, unsubsidized iPhones and further penetrate more price-sensitive markets.


权威例句:Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansion and gains in health insurance coverage and access among cancer survivo...Wayfair's former creative director founded a custom furniture company — and the prices are surprisingly affordable.You pray to your God:A quali...


例句:It could make extra training and instruction affordable.它使人们负担得起额外的培训和指导费用。近义词:inexpensive 释义:adj. 廉价的;便宜的 短语:inexpensive shoes 价钱不贵的鞋子 high quality and inexpensive 价谦物美;物美价廉;价廉物美 词语辨析:inexpensive,cheap这组词都有“便宜的、...


more-affordable 更实惠 例句:1.If the move to build more-affordable homes takes hold, analysts say, it could help china achieve an economic soft landing and drive the next stage of growth.分析人士说,如果建设价格更能够承受的住房成为一种趋势,这可能有助于中国经济实现软着陆,并为下...

affordable housing是什么意思

affordable housing 英 [əˈfɔ:dəbəl ˈhauziŋ] 美 [əˈfɔrdəbəl ˈhaʊzɪŋ]n.经济适用房 双语例句 1. Exorbitant housing prices have created an acute shortage of affordable housing for...

英语more accessible and affordable怎么翻译?

英语more accessible and affordable翻译中文为:更方便、更实惠 例句 1.The resulting global strategy and plan of action provide agreed lines of action for making health care products more accessible and affordable, especially in the developing world.产生的全球战略和行动计划提供了商定的行动方针...


不是。。affordable是形容词。。指电脑是个能买的起物件,但afford,是动词,。比如:我可以负担得起电脑 负担 就是afford

affordable luxury是什么意思

affordable luxury [释义]平价奢侈品;[例句]But for Apple ’ s customers the affordable luxury crowd the pieces of a new payment platform are falling into place.但对于苹果用户,即平价奢侈品的用户而言,新的支付平台即将浮出水面

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act是什么意思

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 患者保护与平价医疗法案 双语例句 1.The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was, as Joe Biden, the vice-president, was overheard telling the president at the signing ceremony, "a big fucking deal".副总统乔·拜登在签字仪式上无意间听到...