请教constant 和 consistent 的区别

三、用法不同 consistent的基本意思是“一贯的”,指人、行为、信念等一贯的,始终如一的。consistent with表示“与某事物并存〔一致〕”。短语be consistent with意思是“与……一致”。constant~+名词 constant friend忠实的朋友 ~+介词 be constant in〔to〕 friendship对友谊忠贞 ...

be referenced to


A Letter to My Son

but don't let that close you to new things. Don't retreat from life don't hide or wall yourself off. Be open to new things new experiences new people. You might get your heart broken 10 times but find the most wonderful woman the 11th time. If you shut you...

Let it be 都什么意思?我知道有个翻译是“顺其自然”,感觉还有别的意思...

1. 顺其自然 . . . 而最后的《顺其自然》(Let It Be)是解散后由一位美国音乐制片人帮着编辑、混合而成。2. 让它去 . . . 披头唱片「让它去」(Let It Be)的灌堼实况,也拍成了同名的纪录电影……蓝Q 和麦卡尼在「苹果公司」的屋顶露侜上,披氼当风,鼓琴而歌的气概,该是摇滚乐...

be annoyed with和be annoyed at有什么区别

在使用上,be annoyed with后通常接人,指的是对某人感到恼火或烦恼。be annoyed at后接事物或具体行为,指的是对某事或某行为感到恼火或烦恼。例句:①I am annoyed with my brother for not cleaning his room. 我因为弟弟不打扫他的房间而感到烦恼。②I am annoyed at the constant noise in ...

let it be歌词中文意思

Let It Be (Remastered)歌手:The Beatles 所属专辑:Let It Be (Remastered)作曲 : Lennon, McCartney 作词 : Lennon, McCartney When I find myself in times of trouble 当我发觉陷入苦恼的时候 Mother Mary comes to me 母亲玛利来到我面前 Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.说着智慧之...

The pressure ___ causes Americans to be energetic, but it also...

the pressure to do something 做某事的压力 竞争压力使美国人富有活力,但也使他们长期紧张。(意译)

be annoyed with还是be annoyed at有什么区别?

"Be annoyed with"强调情绪主导,更多地反映个体内心中的烦恼。"Be annoyed at"则指向外界因素引起的烦恼,更多侧重于特定事件或情况。例句:He is annoyed with the constant interruptions while trying to work.(他试图工作时不断被打断让他很烦恼。)She was annoyed at the poor customer service ...

i could be dreaming 歌词

歌曲名:i could be dreaming 歌手:Belle And Sebastian 专辑:tigermilk I could be sleeping I could be dreaming I could have ordinary people chasing me from town to town Mission Impossible They've got a spy for every blink of your eye I'm feeling awkward I'm feeling haunted They'...

...number:Token can be a constant or expression

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