
continuously 英 美 [kən'tɪnjʊəsli]adv. 连续不断地,不停的 【例】1.The ballet-dancer pirouetted continuously.芭蕾舞演员连续用脚尖旋转。2.It continuously flows from the sun out into space.它连续不断地从太阳流出,进入太空中。3.At last the small battles...


中文翻译 adv.不断地;连续地 单词例句 用作副词 (adv.)The corona gains and loses energy continuously. 日冕总是不断地获得能量和损失能量。Dipa Ma continuously offered blessings. 蒂帕嬷不断地发出慈爱。The stream is continuously serviced to keep the plot updated. 流被连续地服务以保持绘制...


adv.不断地;连续地 释义常用度分布图 海词统计 不断地连续地 continuously是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:英英释义 Adverb:at every point;"The function is continuously differentiable"with unflagging resolve;"dance inspires him ceaselessly to strive higher and higher toward the shining pinnacle ...


“continually” 可以翻译为 “持续不断地”,音标为 [kənˈtɪnjuəli]。“continuously” 可以翻译为 “连续地”,音标为 [kənˈtɪnjuəsli]。区别二:词性和含义不同 “continually” 是副词,表示动作或状态的持续不间断。“continuously” 是副词...

continually 和continuously 的区别

"continuously" 也是一个副词或形容词,表示某种动作或状态是连续不断地持续进行,没有间断的停顿。通常用来修饰动词。例子1:The water flows continuously from the tap. (水从龙头不停地流出。)例子2:The fans clapped continuously throughout the performance. (观众在演出期间持续鼓掌。)区别2:时间...


continuously和continuous是一组,前边的是adv,后面的是adj.而他们的区别最好看大辞典的英英翻译,就好理解了 continual 他的解释是:seemingly without interruption;it is often used interchangeably with `continuous' (meaning without interruption)也就是说,continual和continuous通常情况下是通用的,词义差...


In recent years, the information technology has been progressing with each passing day, and the development of electronic digital equipments have evolved continuously with the objective from portable, wireless, miniaturized to convenient. Take wireless LAN for example, from the initial laptop...


房间不够大,坐不了这么多人 the room is not big enough to contain so many people 4.你最好现在给他回信 you'd better write to him 5.我们先找个房间住下来 let's find a room first to settle down 6。我决定继续跟你一起干活 i have decided to work with you continuously.tks ...


Finally, an assessment of all solutions in place is studied for the whole power system. These results are used to establish the chronological need of the proposed solutions in the ten-year span as well as their physical location. It is recommended to check this plan continuously eve...


found a stage to arrive again a development to investigate a stage, the in the interval also hasn't a few achievement, such as:Cook high etc. occupation education the beginning have scale, system initial formation, do to learn a condition to get improvement etc. continuously.But ...