
造句 1、Children tend to imitate their parents more than their teachers.相比模仿老师,孩子更倾向于模仿父母。2、They tend to act out of impulse.他们往往冲动行事。3、I tend to wake up early in the morning.我早晨往往早醒。4、Most web pages tend to be void of any strong diagonal...


造句 1、Sports cars tend to hold their value well.跑车往往很能保值。2、Most people in this kind of job tend to work long hours.很多从事这种工作的人往往工作时间很长。3、Government reports tend to make dry reading.报告读起来往往枯燥无味。4、Children from certain backgrounds tend...


美 [ɪnˈtend]英 [ɪn'tend]v.打算;计划;想要;意指 网络企图;意欲;准备 1.He said the scientists intend to test earlier pottery from the region for chemical proof.他说,科学家打算检测来自该地区较早的陶器作为化学证据。2.Many never intend to stay any longer, ...


一、tendenly写法错误,正确写法是tendency,造句如下:Today there is a tendency for people to opt out of social activity.现在,越来越多的人倾向于不参加社会活动。They tried to stop the tendency of inflation.他们设法阻止住了通货膨胀的势头。She has artistic tendencies.她有艺术气质。She has...

用tend to do something...造句

he tend to buy a red car 他倾向买一辆红色的车 i tend to dress the blue skirt 我倾向穿蓝色的裙子 he tend to play football 他倾向去玩足球


1.我们每个人都必须遵守这个重要的决定。(用词组abide by)Everyone of us must abide by this important decision.2.以往的夏天,我们经常在湖上划船。(用词组used to do sth.)During past summers, we used to go boating on the lake.3.朋友之间往往只用“嗨”来打招呼。(用词组tend to ...

...宾语从句造句:cling, mean, be capable of, tend to, point out...

him is a rope.他紧攥住的是一条绳子。it means a lot to me.这对我来说意味着很多。it's capable of moving people to action,or so milton may have believed.做一些能够让人们行动起来,或相信弥尔顿的实事。and when it does perform a thread switch,it tends to do it in the same ...


1. Friends tend to just say Hi to do greetings with each other.2. He is no more who he used to be.3. Teachers always insist on the importance of learning English well.4. It is considered that educating young students traditionally is indispensable.5. Every one of us should ...

造句。强调句。cling, mean, be capable of, tend to, point out共五...

做一些能够让人们行动起来,或相信弥尔顿的实事。And when it does perform a thread switch, it tends to do it in the same place whenever you run the program.并且当它确实 执行了线程切换时,每次运行程序时它往往都在同一个位置进行切换。It's pointed out that people should pay attention ...

都是倾向于,incline,tend to有什么区别?

tend to 有习惯性的意思,incline to 有一次性的意思。例:Judge R. tends to reward punitive damages if bad faith is shown, but he is inclined to deny such damages in this case at bar.R。 法官倾向判给原告惩罚性损失赔偿如果被告有恶意不合作行为,但在这个案子里,他并不想这么判决。 本回答由提问...