Nightwish《I Want My Tears Back 》链接已通过附件上传,请下载后打开复制链接到空间即可 所给链接都经过测试,也不排除个别链接在数据库里长时间未更新而失效。链接请复制齐全,点击或复制到浏览器窗口,测试是否能播放或自动下载!请确认无效链接后,通过hi联系时,请发你提问的链接地址和测试结果!如...
I want my tears back年少泪愿偿The treetops, the chimneys, the snow bed stories, winter grey炊烟渺渺绕层颠,灰雪夜谈照无眠Wildflowers, those meadows of heaven, wind in the wheat草花未凋乐土上,波纹縠皱风惊田A railroad across waters, the scent of grandfatherly love便恁车浆凌波去...
I wanted you to hold me in my sleep I wanted you to show me what I need I wanted you to know just how down deep I wanted you, I wanted you I've been pushing hard to open up the door Trying to take us back to where we were before But I'm done. I just can't ...
my tears back 年少泪愿偿The treetops,the chimneys,the snow be d stories,winter grey 炊烟渺渺绕层颠,灰雪夜谈照无眠 Wildflowers,those meadows of heaven,wind in the wheat 草花未凋乐土上,波纹縠皱风惊田 A railroad across waters,the scent of gr andfatherly love 便恁车浆凌波去,...
第1首:djyixiu-sweetstargameover 第2首:歌名未知 第3首:club夜店魅音电音慢摇 第4首:不是世界太小了只是我选错世界了 第5首:justinbieber-baby-dj小鱼儿extended 第6首:歌名未知 第7首:marcanthony、pitbull-rainoverme 第8首:nightwish-iwantmytearsback 网上复制的 2-6 没有歌名 ...
I want my tears back应该是这个吧,我也在找一首I.want.to什么的,刚找到,希望你找的也是这首歌
I want my tears back应该是这个吧,我也在找一首I.want.to什么的,刚找到,希望你找的也是这首歌
歌手:BEYOND 歌名:我是愤怒 WOO... A 可否争番一囗气 我是恶梦 天天都可骚扰你 与你遇着在路途 你莫退避 我是愤怒 分分钟可烧死你 几多虚假的好汉 都睇不起 只想吞千吨的怒火 未去想失声呼叫 I'LL NEVER DIE I'LL NEVER CRY YOU'LL SEE WOO... A 真本性 怎可以改 你勿说话 皆因...
视频最后不是有么 New Trial、Why、Bye Bye Beautiful、天空之城钢琴版、火影忍者疾风街道、天下足球十大进球、雪、Iwant my tears back nightwish