This morning,I woke up at six and go out of bed without any alarms...

今天早上我六点就起床了,没有像往常一样靠闹铃催醒。as usual 像往常一样

Perun 佩伦系列

Perun 佩伦系列保险柜,作为上海安邦保险箱有限公司的明星产品,集专业安防与优雅设计于一身。该系列保险柜通过国标GB10409 B1级防盗认证,配备美国S&G电子密码锁,通过EN1300认证,确保安全可靠。Perun佩伦系列不仅具备卓越的防护性能,还兼顾了收纳的便利性,是商业与家庭用户理想的选择。其时尚的外观设计与卓越的性能相得益彰,展现出实力与颜值的双重魅力。集宝保险柜,附近专卖店,多规格,专利技术生产,安全可靠,完美售后服务,高品质高质量,超低价格限时优惠,欢迎订购.

go out of什么意思 和get out of意思一样吗

go out of的中文意思是:不再为…所有;从…中消失;get out of的中文意思为:摆脱;逃避 二者的意思不一样。1、go out of 词汇搭配:go out of one's way 特地 go out of one's mind 发疯 go out of production 停止生产 例证:He was very kind to me and seemed to go out ...


英文发音:[ɡəʊ tu bed]中文释义:上床睡觉 例句:Why do we have to go to bed so early?为什么我们那么早就得上床睡觉?词汇解析:bed 英文发音:[bed]中文释义:n.床;(河)床;(海等的)底;花坛;苗圃;菜园 例句:She turned over on her stomach on the other side of the ...

make one's way out什么意思?_?

way out 走出困境 make one's way :走,行走,前进 发迹 make one's way to 转向,向…进发;前往某处 make one's way for 转向,向…进发;前往某处 例句:I make one's way noiselessly to open the door to go out,heard she was wary of got out of bed.我蹑手蹑脚地开门走出去...

英语 完形填空 In the middle of the night, Peter's wife这?

Peter got out of bed and started dressing, but he could not find him any clothes.彼得从床上爬起来开始穿衣服,但他找不到任何衣服。“Where is my shirt?” he asked. His wife was too ill to tell him, and she could only cry, “Oh, my poor stomach! ”“我的衬衫在哪里?”...


I got out of bed.我起了床。He opened the box and out jumped a frog.他打开盒子,从里面跳出一只青蛙来。 Out you go! (= used to order sb to leave a room) 滚出去!He ran out the door.他跑出门去。不在家;不在工作地点;外出away from or not at home or their place of ...

make one's way to 是什么意思?

读音:英 [meɪk wʌnz weɪ tu];美 [meɪk wʌnz weɪ tu]例:To make one's way or go by gliding.滑动过程引起的能量损耗。例:I make one's way noiselessly to open the door to go out, heard she was wary of got out of bed.我蹑手蹑...


Dan is a pilot.He flies airplanes to all parts of the world.This was his schedule yesterday, which was Sunday.He woke up at 6:30.After waking up, he got out of bed and brushed his teeth.After that he took a shower.He and his wife ate breakfast together at 7:15.He ...


除了作为家具之外,床在英语中还有一些常用的短语和表达方式。例如,“make the bed”表示整理床铺、铺床;“get out of bed”表示起床;“go to bed”表示上床睡觉;“bedtime”表示睡觉时间;“bedroom”表示卧室等等。英语中,床也经常被用于一些俚语和成语中。例如,“to go to bed with someone”...

Mr. Li was in bed and was trying to go to sleep when he heard the...

小题1:根据文章中的内容“Mr. Li was in bed and was trying to go to sleep when he heard the bell ring’可知答案为B小题2:根据文章中“He turned on the light and looked at his clock.’可知答案为D小题3:根据文中“He decided to go and find out .So he got out of bed, ...