
set the table 摆放餐具 I like the way you helped set the table for dinner.宝贝儿,晚餐前你能帮忙摆餐具真是不错。set screw 止付螺丝 ; 定位螺丝 ; 紧定螺钉 ; 固定螺钉 Top view of square head set screw....


1、Finally, he found his chef friend and once again tasted the set meal that he dreamed ofeveryday.2、To determine the arrangement of hardware, in particular a manually set switch.3、Set the table with sp...

set加介词组成的所有短语 并造句,急急急急急急急急急急!!!

没有申请破产,他们开始分期偿还债务,将其控制到一个可以管理的水平。set up建立;安排 I have to go,Help them set up for tonight at the school.我得走了,帮他们安排一下。set down 记下 登记 放下 Friday has ...


A new set of bellows for the organ.风琴的一副新风箱。set双语造句:1、The default is usually the setting that most users would probably choose.默认选项通常是大多数用户都会选择的设置。2、The city police set ...


decided that she is up to this position . 1 they’ve set off on a journey round the world.他们已经开始环游世界。2 The new bookstore has set up a night sales system ...


set [set]v.放置, 设定, 确定, 规定, 调整, 分配, (太阳)落下去, 将(宝石)镶嵌到(某物), 配乐 n.集合, 组合, 日落, 一套, 一副, 一局比赛, 舞台, 姿态, 头发的定型 adj.规定的, 固定的, 不变的,...

set 造句

He set a vase of flower on the table。他把一瓶花放在桌子上

set当动词可以解释成 摆放餐具, 可是如果用这个词造句的话,摆放餐具...

set the table 摆放餐具 1.煮蔬菜汤并摆放餐具。Cook the soup and set the table.2.玛丽,能不能麻烦你帮我摆放餐具?Mary, can you help me set the table?

set沉落 如何组短语造句

The sun rises from the east and sets in the west everyday


the sun set at6.00 this evening.she gave me a book yesterday.