
vi.面对;面向;朝着;按照要求转向;开球。face造句:1. A cut diamond has many faces.经切割的钻石有很多晶面。2. They disappeared from the face of the earth.他们从地面上消失了。3. The clowns pulled funny f...


Don't be afraid of losing face.不怕丢脸!The boy made a face.那男孩做了一个怪相.


I like losing face. 我喜欢丢脸。Don't be afraid of losing face. 不怕丢脸!The boy made a face. 那男孩做了一个怪相。


l can’t see her face.

怎么用“make a face”造句?

1、The boy made the baby laugh by making a face at him.那男孩扮鬼脸逗那个婴儿笑.2、Every time I mentioned taking a swim in the lake he would make a face.每当我提起下湖去游泳,他总露出不赞成的表情。...

face to sth和face sth的区别 有例句 谢谢

- She turned to face the sun. (她转身面向太阳。)- The house faces out to the sea. (这座房子面朝大海。)- The team will face their opponents on Saturday. (这个队在星期六将会遭遇对手。)- We must face...

face sb to do sth造句?

- I had to face my boss to explain the mistake I made.(我不得不面对我的老板,解释我犯的错误。)在这个例句中,“face”后面的宾语是“my boss”,表示“面对我的老板”,而“to explain the mistake I made...


He has a big nose.他有一个大鼻子。His face is red.他的脸是红的。I`m going to ShangHai on October.我打算十月去上海。He is a good actor.他是一名好演员。I have a car. 我有一辆车。


I made a cake with my face and name on it. 我做了个蛋糕, 上面有我的名字和脸。

face to face造句

这个短语是副词,作状语吗?请给造五个句子,并说明在句子中的属性,谢谢!:I have decided to talk to him face to face tomorrow.或 This is the first time they meet each other face to face.或 He never dare...