
cultivate可以形容人。举例:1、He always tries to cultivate famous people.他总是结交名人。2、You must cultivate people who can help you in business.你得结交在业务上对你有用的人。用法1、cultivate的基本意思是指对土地进行照料或调理以使其肥沃,也指对植物细心管理以改善其状况。2、cultivate...




激发个人潜能 cultivate one's potential utilize one's full potential 心灵有无穷潜能,如果得到很好的利导和开发,将会产生无尽的爱与智慧,使我们 Human beings have great potentials. If we can find ways to cultivate and utilize that, it will create endless love and wisdom, so we could....

翻译成英修身养性。陶冶情操。 学习艺术对于一个人的素质的提高有很大的...

修身养性。陶冶情操。 学习艺术对于一个人的素质的提高有很大的帮助。 艺术就是能给人一种美的享修身养性。陶冶情操。学习艺术对于一个人的素质的提高有很大的帮助。艺术就是能给人一种美的享受,让人放松。一般学艺术的人都比较长寿。艺术如果搞得好的话,名利双收。 Self-cultivation. Cultivate se...


我最敬佩的人 Mother is a worth let me respect. My mother of medium height, his forehead with shallow wrinkles, fine eyes, long hair with this light faint scent. With a sweet smile, a kind.Mother often education I to be honest, not showed, cultivate my character at an early...


帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 [编辑本段]树的简介 拼音:shù Ⅰ名词1.(木本植物的通称) tree: 柳树 willow; 苹果树 apple tree; 植树 plant trees2.(姓氏) a surname: 树元 Shu YuanⅡ动词1.(种植; 栽培) plant; cultivate: 十年树木, 百年树人。 It takes ten years to ...


Cultivate people's ability of loving ( sympathizing)and taking care of others.

培养有个性、民主开放、经济意识的中国年轻人 英语怎么说_百度知 ...

to cultivate young people with independent personalities, who are democratic and open in mind bearing economic awareness


2. Set clear goals and aspirations.3. Develop a plan of action.4. Cultivate self-discipline and perseverance.5. Surround yourself with positive influences.6. Reflect on your actions and make adjustments.7. Embrace lifelong learning and personal growth.8. Practice self-care and ...


比喻一个人做一般不是一个人能做的工作唱独角戏独居dújū[vigil;live a solitary existence] 长期的、独身一人居留在靠近极地积冰地带的五个月独居独具慧眼dújù-huìyǎn[can see what others can’t] 能看到别人看不到的东西,形容眼光敏锐,见解高超;能作出精细判断的(如在质量方面)独具匠心dújù-jiàngxīn[...