
我的计算机水平一般:My ability of operating on the computer is quite OK./is at a general level./is just so-so.我的计算机水平很一般:My ability of operating on the computer is very plain./is not good.


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After the purchase within 12 months were due to manufacturing the reason of quality problems should be free to return, operating on both sides of the agreement. However, on the anti-rust treatment within 6 months, well packaged and placed in the appropriate temperature and humidity o...


分析家指出:他们为了获得极小的利润率,而在价格上的竞争非常之激烈。同时,他们也在寻求通过极小的具体运营操作上的变更来获得更多的利润。When a company is operating on the slimmest of profit margins as contract manufacturers are, soaring labor costs pose a serious problem. Wages in China ...


We shall have to stop operating on the fringe of the problem,按字面意义正面译成,“我们必须停止在这个问题的细枝末节上下功夫”,不能有力地表达原义,最好逆向翻译为:我们有能力建造更好的城市,恢复市民的自豪感。 但是我们必须要抓住问题的关键。我们需要彻底地重新规划城市,使城市人口密度趋于合理。 四、当...


这是邱吉尔在对德作战时说的一句话。逆向翻译为,“必须不惜一切代价争取时间”,更能表达这句铿锵有力的声明。6. It is within our power to build better cities and revive the civic pride of their citizens,but we shall have to stop operating on the fringe of the problem.We shall ...

每个生命都有自己的价值和优点 英语作文翻译





If you’re operating on that level, you’ll be constantly seeking to hurt others with your power. This is, of course, something to avoid.The lizard represents the class of scorpions who hide from life and never quite achieve the full measure of their power. They sometimes seek self-...


Petrol engines and engines operating on gas require an ignition system. This needed to provide the sparks that fire the charges in the combustion chambers. For this reason, petrol engines are sometimes referred to as spark-ignition engines. This distinguishes them from diesel engines ...


doing (His parents leave his staying at home on weekend.)二)need, require, want译作“需要”时,跟动词-ing作宾语,主动表示被动,相当于to be done,如:1.The windows require cleaning. (The windows require to be cleaned. )2.The patient needs operating on at once.(The patient needs to be ...