read的过去式 2024/8/27
weekend怎么读 2024/8/27
last weekend什么意思

2. 上个周末 例句:1.The package they announced last weekend is dramatic.上周末公布的救助方案规模惊人。2.My step son graduated college last weekend.我的继子上周末从大学毕业了。

last weekend的意思和用法

Last weekend是什么意思?

上周末,上个星期天 望采纳,谢谢!

last weekend英语作文80词

Last weekend was a blast! On Saturday morning, I met up with some friends for brunch at a new cafe in town. We ordered avocado toast and lattes, and chatted about our plans for the summer. After brunch, we walke...

My last weekend是什么意思?

"My last weekend" 的意思是“我上个周末”。在这个短语中,"last" 是一个形容词,表示“最后的”;"weekend" 是一个名词,表示“周末”。所以,"My last weekend" 就是指“我上个周末”。

over the weekend与last weekend 有没有区别?

over the weekend 与 last weekend 的区别 相同处,都可以指上个周末.不同处:over the weekend ,只强调是周末(weekend),可以是这个周末,也可以是已经过去的周末.last weekend ,强调的是过去(last) ,单单指上个周末.例句...


last+weekend.意思是:上周。这是一个时间状语。对应的谓语动词需要用其过去式。例如:1) I went a zoo last week.2) He visited the science museum last week.这两个句子中的 went 和 visited 都是过去式。

last weekend与last the weekend的区别

last weekend意思是“上周末”last the weekend中的 last意思是“持续”,通常指时间上的连续。如:The meeting will last two hours.

last weekend作文带翻译的六年级

Last weekend I was busy .on saturday morning ,I was at the library,I read an interesting book,in the afternoon I was at the museum with Tom,we saw many old things.on Sunday morning ,I visited my ...

last weekends与last weekend哪个对?

一般情况下,表达上个周末,应该用last weekend 。例如,These families need support. With this in mind a group of 35 specialists met last weekend. 这些家庭需要资助。怀着这个想法,35人的专家组于上周末聚在了一起...