As community volunteers,my classmates and I go to the drop-in centre to help with things of which we are capable every or every other Saturday afternoon.There are many old people and children who are not able to return home temporarily.The old often feel lonely and helpless.So ...
praising us for our willingness to help. I feel satisfied that I can be of assistance to those in need, and I hope more students will join us, as there are still many individuals who require our help. The more we contribute, the more improved our society will become.
During National Day my parents and I went to Hong Kong in South China. It is a beautiful seaside city because there are many places of interest in it. At first we visited my cousin's house. His house is quite different from mine. It is big and clean. Each room is decorat...
法拉第没钱买书、买簿子,就利用印刷厂的废纸订成笔记本,摘录各种资料,有时还自己配上插图。 一个偶然的机会,英国皇家学会会员丹斯来到印刷厂校对他的著作,无意中发现法拉第的“手抄本”。当他知道这是一位装订学徒记的笔记时,大吃一惊,于是丹斯送给法拉第皇家学院的听讲券。 法拉第以极为兴奋的心情,来到皇家学院...
上海必去十大景点有:外滩、南京路步行街、东方明珠、城隍庙(豫园)、_绿斓亍⑻镒臃弧⒕舶菜隆⒒春B飞桃到帧⑸虾5鲜磕崂衷啊⑸虾?萍脊荨接下来我具体介绍一个宝藏景点推荐:上海迪士尼乐园上海迪士尼乐园(Shanghai Disney Resort)位于上海市浦东新区川沙镇黄赵路310号,于2016年6月16日正式开园,...
海清的蛋妞应该是很多家庭中孩子理想的模样,因为孩子而活成了一个少年,这应该也是很多家庭理想中的亲子关系。优秀的孩子背后总有一位优秀家长。低调为人,高调教育,海清的教育方式值得大家学习。 《红海行动》媒体见面会上的海清 舞台上的海清是气质超凡的女王,相比于闪闪发光的大明星,如今的海清更享受“妈妈”这一角色...
As community volunteers, my classmates and I visit a drop-in center every or every other Saturday afternoon to offer help within our capabilities. There, we find many elderly and children who are temporarily unable to return home. The elderly often feel lonely and helpless, so some...