

sharply transitive是什么意思啊?

sharply指计算快,transitive数学术语,可迁的,我也不懂,好在有例句:if A=B B=C,then A=C 这种逻辑表述为it can be sharply transitive that A is equal to C.所以,sharply transitive 可译为“可以迅速推导出来的”谢谢问题,我也增长了见识。

请英语高手帮忙翻译下 最好懂点经济学的

swiftly 很快地;即刻;敏捷地 dramatically 引人注目地;戏剧地 sharply急剧地 slowly 缓慢地 steadily 平稳地 gradually 逐渐地 quickly 很快地 下图是道琼斯指数三个月的变化纪录.你会怎样描述图表中的变化呢?

翻译fall sharply

急剧下降;猛跌;大幅跌落;锐减 例子:Commercial real estate prices to fall sharply 商业性房地产价格大幅回落;The number of 15- to 29-year-olds will fall sharply from next year.从明年开始,15岁到29岁的人口将锐减。UK house prices fall sharply in October 十月英国房价大幅跌落 满意请及...

ask.. for中文翻译是什么意思

v. 询问;请求;邀请;要求;开价;期待 例句 1、May I ask a question?我可以问一个问题吗?2、I'm calling to ask you about the delivery.我打电话给你,是询问发货的事。短语 1、ask pertinently很恰当地问 2、ask politely彬彬有礼地问 3、ask relentlessly残酷地问 4、ask sharply尖刻地...


temperature dropped sharply and it rains every day!I got up from the morning to go to bed in the evening the rain seemed to have stopped.Today, my body was wet to the skin.这几天气温急剧下降而且天天下雨!我从早上起身到晚上睡觉雨都好像没有停过。今天我浑身被雨淋得湿透了。


1. They dance tells the story means. (中等)2. Temperature will rise sharply over the weekend to around 80. (大大增加)3. We have in the past few months have been successful to speed up the pace of production (加快)4. To pay a price, your goods will be transported to a ...

their sharply teeth can carve their way throug solid teeth 翻译这...

首先的说through不是throug,而最后的solid teeth,有点词不达意,最好提供上下文。按所给条件,可能你形容的是象牙或者其他牙齿的雕刻。但我觉得更像是形容啮齿类动物的语句。比如 their sharply teeth can carve their way out.他们锋利的牙齿可以可以洞穿任何阻碍。


expanded sharply. A strand of this literature has focused on informational learning as the driving force for the industry dynamics。--- 在过去的几十年里,对行业动态理论文献的急剧扩大。一股这一文学一直专注于信息的学习动力的行业动态。Another strand of the literature has, instead, offe...


Due to sustained world economic recession, many Chinese emerging company's share price begin to drop down sharply.