
I like this book because it let me realize the goodness of human nature. Novels in the last o word is "I chase," I think it is not only the pursuit of childhood kite kite petition, but also in a sincere desire to the return of the kind human nature. Tears down again, ...

The Kite Runner_追风筝的人英语读后感800字

"The Kite Runner" is the American writer Khaled Hu Hussey, Afghanistan's first novel. Amir, the hero of the book, was born in a wealthy family. Although his mother died at the time of his birth, his father doted on him very much. Amir also has a faithful servant, and hi...


回答:“for you,a thousand times over”——为你,千千万万次,《追风筝的人》中最感人的一句,第一次是哈桑去为阿米尔去追象征战利品的风筝时,转身微笑大叫着说的话!这是纯粹、坚定的友谊!第二次是多年后阿米尔历经九死一生从阿富汗带回哈桑留下的儿子,为他放风筝时说的话!这是百折不回的责任精神...


Several years ago,from joyo,I bought the book "the kite runner" which ranked first on best sellers volume.First reading the book,I was totally moved and even cried for the sad story.This year,I knew it has been adapted into a movie.After seeing the movie,I read again this ...


追风筝的人英文读后感 I have seen the novel's name --the Kite Runner many times from the Internet,when it comes to "the novels moved you most".With curiosity,I downloaded it.When reading the novel,from the beginning to the end,I felt a heavy stone of sorrow on my heart. ...



...纽约时报文章(中英文对照)加文章的读后感 急求急求!!!万分感谢...

2 读后感 看《追风筝的人》是因为身边朋友的强烈推荐。《追风筝的人》作者是卡勒德·胡赛尼(Khaled Hosseini)。这本书中有这样一句话:阿富汗有很多儿童,但没有童年。卡勒德·胡赛尼大获成功的主要原因之一就是他写出了这样一句话:即使在最黑暗的夜空,依然有最璀璨的星星在闪烁。这片土地因保守的思想...

追风筝的人(Kite Runner)读后感



but also for the heart of the novel Reading the author with a landscape and stirring epic history humanity story... .. To expose a long trip to sin that scene in the kite runner contest after an accident of betrayal, because the cowardly selfish character, lead to a true frie...


当品读完一部作品后,想必你一定有很多值得分享的心得,为此需要认真地写一写读后感了。那么读后感到底应该怎么写呢?以下是我帮大家整理的追风筝的人读后感范文(精选10篇),仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 追风筝的人读后感1 花了将近一周左右的时间,读完了胡赛尼的这部处女作——《追风筝的人》,好像很久没有读过这么...