“相濡以沫”这个成语用来形容夫妻或伴侣在艰难困苦中互相扶持,共同度过难关。在英文中,这个概念可以通过多种表达方式来传达,其中最为接近的是“weather the storm”或者“hunker down together”。这两个短语都强调了在困难时期伴侣间的相互支持和共同面对。比如,“During the financial crisis, Tom and Mary chose to weather the storm together, hugging each other and finding strength in their shared struggles.”
另一个表达方式是“ride through hard times”,这个短语同样强调了夫妻共同经历困难时期,并在逆境中保持坚定的信念。“John and Emily have been riding through hard times for over a decade, supporting each other through illness, job loss, and family crises.”
“相濡以沫”还意味着在平淡的日子里相互扶持,共同创造美好的回忆。英文中,“through thick and thin”这个短语能够很好地表达这种情感。“Sam and Lisa have been through thick and thin together, building a strong and loving relationship over the years.”
此外,“side by side”也可以用来形容夫妻间的亲密关系。“Throughout their lives, Sarah and David have been side by side, supporting each other in every challenge they faced.”
“相濡以沫”还传达了一种承诺和忠诚的感觉,这种感觉在英文中可以用“through life and death”来表达。“Alex and Olivia have made a commitment to be with each other through life and death, a promise they both take very seriously.”
总的来说,“相濡以沫”是一个深刻而美好的概念,它强调了伴侣间的相互支持、共同经历以及共同面对生活的挑战。在英文中,通过“weather the storm”、“ride through hard times”、“through thick and thin”、“side by side”以及“through life and death”这些短语,可以很好地传达这种情感和承诺。