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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 22:02



懂视网 时间:2022-05-14 02:23

  无论你是新手还是专业的网页设计师或者开发人员,你总是从创建线框开始来创建 Web 项目,而不是直接开发。 这不仅有助于让你保持在正确的轨道上,以免项目建成后出现了各种各样的问题。 目前有很多的工具和资源都能网上找到,使你的工作更容易。这里给大家推荐15个最佳的用户体验和用户界面工具和资源。

  • Web 前端开发人员和设计师必读精华文章推荐
  • 精心挑选的优秀jQuery Ajax分页插件和教程
  • 12个让人惊叹的的创意的 404 错误页面设计
  • 让网站动起来!12款优秀的 jQuery 动画插件
  • 8个前沿 HTML5 & CSS3 效果【附源码下载】
  • 1. Axure RP

    Axure RP gives you the wireframing, prototyping and documentation tools needed to make informed design choices, persuade any skeptics, and document your design and maybe win a few fans along the way. Choose the Standard edition for prototyping or go Pro to add documentation and collaboration features.

    2. Notism

    Notism is a useful collaboration and prototyping tool that allows you to share designs with others easily, and in real time. Because it gives one the ability to share notes, sketch directly on the work, and collaborate through the use of video, Notism users are able to iterate designs faster. Furthermore, you can sign off design layouts and test the product for usability during each step of the design process.

    3. UX Check

    UX Check is a Chrome Extension that makes it easier to identify usability problems using heuristic evaluation. It uses Nielsen’s 10 heuristics, along with tools for identifying, annotating, and exporting issues.

    4. PowerMockup

    PowerMockup’s Stencil Library provides a wide range of templates for all the typical elements of a website or application: buttons, text boxes, menus, tabs, tables, etc. Using the Stencil Library is as easy as selecting an item and dragging it onto a PowerPoint slide. All stencils are based on regular PowerPoint shapes and fully editable. PowerMockup is compatible with PowerPoint versions 2007 through 2013 (both 32 and 64-bit). All of this in a single installation package.

    5. Flux

    Flux, from Facebook, is an application architecture for building user interfaces, and more pattern than formal framework. It complements React’s composable view components via a unidirectional data flow.

    6. Photoshare

    ProtoShare is an easy-to-use, collaborative prototyping tool that helps teams visualize requirements with website wireframes and interactive prototypes while working together in real-time. You can also create a library of reusable Templates, Masters, and Assets for increased productivity and consistency across teams and projects.

    7. Proto.io

    Proto.io allows you to show your audience prototypes that have the look and feel of the real app. The latest version is packed with a number of new or improved features. There are for example, 49 new fully-interactive UI elements that support ripple effects, drop shadows, an upgraded color picker, and a selection of animated morphing features that allow even greater creativity.

    8. Pidoco

    Pidoco is powerful prototyping software for rapidly creating clickable wireframes, mockups and interactive UX prototypes for web, mobile and enterprise applications. It’s easy to use with smart sharing and collaboration features, rich interactions, a smart template system, convenient specification generator, exports and much more. This powerful prototyping tool with its commenting, versioning, and issue tracking capabilities, enables you to easily collaborate with others and share real-time information in the process.

    9. UsabilityHub

    UsabilityHub is an online test application which helps you to answer questions you may have about your app design, and it offers an analysis as to what people’s first impressions of your design might be, and helps you understand the reasoning behind these impressions.

    10. DalekJS

    DalekJS will launch and automate your browser, fill and submit forms, click and follow links, and more. It works on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

    11. Justinmind

    Justinmind Prototyper provides you with the best design solution to prototype feature-rich mobile apps, websites, web products and/or enterprise applications, and more. Justinmind Prototyper allows you to share and test designs that run on real devices, and make your wireframe look and feel like the finished application to get a complete sense of your experience.

    12. Invision

    This tool is being used by more than 80,000 users, this tool can be used for the initial design concept until product testing has been completed and the product is deemed ready to be introduced into the marketplace. InVision is much more than a prototyping tool. Its information sharing features allow it to serve as a project management tool as well, giving you prototyping, task management and version control capabilities in a single package.

    13. Firefly

    This tool allows you to upload website mockups, upload app designs during various stages of the design process, incorporate photos, UI ideas, and you can even capture an entire webpage. Firefly is an effective tool for a scattered team as it enables information to be accessed through a browser anywhere in the world.

    14. Patternry

    Patternry is a tool for building living UI pattern libraries. It helps designers and developers work faster and smarter together. Patternry is the best way to store your design & code assets. Design patterns contain guidelines, screenshots, living code examples, discussion – arranging them into logical pieces of the UI (Overlay, Data Table etc.). It makes easy to find what you need and gives everyone a complete picture of the project deliverables.

    15. AppCooker

    AppCooker streamlines App creation workflow to get ready for production in no time. It’s an advanced mockup & prototyping tool on iPad. Create, play and share high fidelity mockups using native iOS widgets: it’s the ultimate toolbox for anyone who wants to start creating “an App for that”. From idea to mockup and beyond, it’s easy for anyone to achieve professional results.

  • 网站开发中很有用的 jQuery 效果【附源码】
  • 分享35个让人惊讶的 CSS3 动画效果演示
  • 十分惊艳的8个 HTML5 & JavaScript 特效
  • Web 开发中很实用的10个效果【源码下载】
  • 12款经典的白富美型 jQuery 图片轮播插件
  • 15个最佳的用户体验和用户界面工具和资源

    编译来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源


    热心网友 时间:2022-05-13 23:31

    体验:可以用VB 超级简洁 适用于

    初级流程阶段的Balsamiiq Mockups官网直接下就可以

    或者在只作为你的一个 产品思想的初级阶段,WORD都是可以的

    带一些交互设计效果 更好 切普遍的是 Axure 这个 可以直接输出 文档,可以输出截图,还有HTML。甚至有的可以直接在这上面 开发。这里面 你生成的一些效果,可以添加JS 和CSS,不会的 按照他的 官网教程 依然可以做出效果,如下拉菜单,点击效果什么的

    PS 这是很好用的,还有FB,对接FLEX的时候 很好用

    AI 是矢量图。设计也会用到

    常用的是这些,根据不同情况 可能会用到 Indesign Flash追问那现在大部分互联网公司用的是哪款啊?

    追答Axure 我干过两家电子商务 都是这样的 这样做出的原型 最直接 最真的表现

    热心网友 时间:2022-05-14 00:49

    这几个工作岗位常用的软件包括蓝湖、PS、Sketch、AI 等,因为工作需要的不同,可能还有增加。

    热心网友 时间:2022-05-14 02:24


    热心网友 时间:2022-05-14 04:15


    热心网友 时间:2022-05-14 06:23

    dreamweaver flash ultraedit photoshop 等等
    强奸罪判多少年可以缓刑吗 20句充满着正能量的最励志的英语名言 如何通过cet-4? 去赤道几内亚,需要带什么行李,生活用品,在那边大概生活一年,什么东西... 去赤道几内亚需要准备什么?主要要预防什么疾病?要准备什么预防药品... 可惜!大部分消费者在交易后会取消亚马逊Prime会员资格 想问下 cpu i7 4900mq. gtx765m显卡. 32G内存 能大部分游戏效果开高么... i7 4800MQ i7 4900MQ 能有多大差别? 外星人14,显卡GTX765M。玩... 三星k2200打印机怎么升级 三星k2200打印机怎么升级br? 三星k2200打印机如何双面打? 潘婷的免洗润发乳和发膜有什么区别? 小米便携式电热水杯可以托运吗 发膜,护发素,润发乳分别有什么效果? 润发乳和发膜哪个好? 标题栏左端Word窗口的“控制菜单”图标 那个图案是怎样的 word窗口中标题栏最左边儿的图标是word的什么呀,单击它可出现一个控制什么呀? 控制菜单的介绍 单击Excel控制菜单图标 这里的控制菜单是指什么? 有个问题 请举例说明什么是WORD或者EXCEL中的菜单栏 任务栏 工具栏 标题栏 控制菜单栏 什么是WINDOWS控制菜单 想买第三套房子可以申请公积金贷款吗 请问我的血液里含有尿酸高有办法解决吗?尿酸偏高怎么办?饮食该怎么控制呢? 人比较瘦,血压血糖血脂都正常但是尿酸偏高,这怎么解决才好 很多人尿酸高是因为身体对嘌呤和尿酸的代谢出了问题,有哪些解决方法? 格言代表什么兔子 关于兔子的成语和俗语 为什么油炸毒蜘蛛会变成柬埔寨的特色小吃? 爱情公寓3 美嘉和悠悠逛街穿的一样的那个鞋哪里买的? 柬埔寨的美食和中国的美食,有没有区别 柬埔寨特色小吃价格是多少 鬼畜双人舞是谁的作品? 鬼畜的舞蹈跳到停不下来,那个背景音乐叫什么名字 求性价比高,音质超好的蓝牙耳机推荐,xisem西圣蓝牙耳机值得入吗? 最近比较火的一个鬼畜,卡通人物素风格,带副墨镜,叼根烟,戴个金项链,戴个嘻哈帽。是什么? 最近b站很火的极静乐土出自什么啊,求解答(๑´ㅂ`๑) 这是一个日本男生 跳的鬼畜舞蹈 求解答他是谁 用说明方法介绍一种事物肉末茄子作文 鬼畜视频会成为新的艺术形式吗? 事业单位改革被后,把事业单位分成三类,测绘院是算哪类哈,如果转企是不是不会有编制了? 测绘事业单位待遇怎样 要经常跑外业吗 测绘专业的事业单位怎么样啊 搞测绘去资质高的事业单位好,还是去一般的私人公司好 干测绘是不是事业单位要比企业好吗 测绘工程毕业,是进测绘院或是地理信息中心待遇好一些还是勘察设计院待遇好一些? 我是测绘专业的,想考事业单位,但不想干测绘了,能考哪些单位呢 个体测绘公司属于事业单位吗? 各省测绘院是保留事业编制还是改企? 在测绘行业中:测绘院好还是公司好? 测绘的 ,事业单位具体有哪些,能罗列出来吗? 马上小朋友要上学了,哪一家的医用口罩质量好?要小朋友用的。