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帮忙翻译一下了 跪谢

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 04:53



热心网友 时间:2023-11-19 06:07

How to eat: divided into and steaming, making and three steps. First the sorghum surface in container, with right amount water pouring in the face, that is, TangMian. Still can put people did the sorghum bowl filled the water in the pot, but don't make the pot of water spilled into within the basin, steam for 10 min, remove the face basin with boiled water, water surface and good. In addition to TangMian without fermentation of the steam outside, still can use by fermentation of steam noodles. Will the sorghum surface with the warm water and add yeast, and then in a warm place lots. Stay and good surface hair, made into "the face fish", "WoTou", "jiaozi", "FaGao", "noodles' 'etc. And put in the steamer in steam or steaming can be eaten after. 1. Will yellow rice noodles with cool water mix into a knot in one's heart shape, put on the steamer steam for 20 minutes. The steaming cake face basin by hand into, stick on the cool water (or cooking oil) firm, plunge into a soft have muscle degrees so far. 2. Proct features: the small grains northwestern shansi area high quality base of traditional planting large peas as the main raw material, match with a little high quality wheat, the Yellow River basin of rock under the unique rushed to process multiple made. In the process of proction, and low speed because atone retained the crude contains natural ingredients, fully embodies the real peasant food flavor. This proct for the main ingredient of making pasta pure flavor nutrition is rich, and the people healthy life and good choice of relatives and friends. 3. Usage: use 3 a white flour, a face with cold water, peas and to form a dough. But make it all sorts of pasta noodles. Will loose put right amount boiling water for 2 to 5 minutes. With the water after shower, have poured into the surface of soup halogen in hot food. The cold: the taste seasoning and vegetables like to wire mix food taste better.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-19 06:07

Divided into and steaming, making and three steps. First the sorghum surface in container, with right amount water pouring in the face, that is, TangMian. Still can put people did the sorghum bowl filled the water in the pot, but don't make the pot of water spilled into within the basin, steam for 10 min, remove the face basin with boiled water, water surface and good. In addition to TangMian without fermentation of the steam outside, still can use by fermentation of steam noodles. Will the sorghum surface with the warm water and add yeast, and then in a warm place lots. Stay and good surface hair, made into "the face fish", "WoTou", "jiaozi", "FaGao", "noodles' 'etc. And put in the steamer in steam or steaming can be eaten after. 1. Will yellow rice noodles with cool water mix into a knot in one's heart shape, put on the steamer steam for 20 minutes. The steaming cake face basin by hand into, stick on the cool water (or cooking oil) firm, plunge into a soft have muscle degrees so far. 2. Proct features: the small grains northwestern shansi area high quality base of traditional planting large peas as the main raw material, match with a little high quality wheat, the Yellow River basin of rock under the unique rushed to process multiple made. In the process of proction, and low speed because atone retained the crude contains natural ingredients, fully embodies the real peasant food flavor. This proct for the main ingredient of making pasta pure flavor nutrition is rich, and the people healthy life and good choice of relatives and friends. 3. Usage: use 3 a white flour, a face with cold water, peas and to form a dough. But make it all sorts of pasta noodles. Will loose put right amount boiling water for 2 to 5 minutes. With the water after shower, have poured into the surface of soup halogen in hot food. The cold: the taste seasoning and vegetables like to wire mix food taste better.
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