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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 08:05



热心网友 时间:2022-07-06 11:43

  李鸿章故居:Li Hongz hang,s Former Residence

  Li Hongzhang, who styled himself Shao Quan, was born in Hefei in 1823. His highest official title was governor-general of Zhili (now Hebei province) and Northern Minister concurrently. He held key posts for forty years, traveling far and wide across East Asia and West Europe. He was in charge of both the domestic affairs and foreign affairs of the Qing Dynasty. He founded the Huai Army and initiated the Westernization Movement. He was referred to as “the first man to advocate the open-door policy in China.” His former residence is located on the Huaihe Road (the mid-section) of Hefei. The entire building looks magnificent with carved beams and rafters. It is the largest existing and best preserved former residence of a VIP in Hefei. It is a key cultural relic site under the protection of Anhui provincial government.

  Sanhe-an ancient town in a region of rivers & lakes
  Sanhe (Three Rivers) town is located on the Hefei-Huangshan-Jiuhuashan golden tourist route, 40km from the city proper of Hefei. Its present name was derived from the fact that the three rivers---the Fengle River, Hangbu River,and Xiaonan River intersect here. The town has a history of more than 2,500 years, covering an area of 4.71km2, with a permanent population of 30,000. It attracts tourists because of its “eight ancient relics” (ancient rivers, ancient bridges, ancient villages surrounded by water, ancient streets, ancient teahouses, ancient civilian houses, ancient stages attached to temples, ancient battlefields). It is a typical “ ancient town full of rivers and lakes, together with small bridges, flowing water and local dwellings.” There is an often-quoted saying about Sanhe which goes as “To make a tour, one should go to the Huangshan Mountain; to sample food, one should visit Sanhe.”追问拜托,太少了吧?能不能详细点啊

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