发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 19:57
热心网友 时间:2023-07-07 07:10
用google 吧,在百度里搜这个名字即可,这是全球最大的搜索引擎,也是最好的在线翻译网站,里面的翻译很权威,基本上专业的翻译遇到问题都会第一时间找这个网站求得解答。我就是一名翻译。热心网友 时间:2023-07-07 07:10
http://www.iciba.com/这个,美式,英式发音都有热心网友 时间:2023-07-07 07:11
《克雷洛夫寓言》这本书包含了许多小故事,这些小故事让我从中得到很多启发和乐趣。如龟兔赛跑,牧童恶作剧,狼来了、狐狸和葡萄、青蛙与上帝、风筝等等,每一个小故事体现了生活经验和非凡智慧.有的故事教导我们考虑问题要全面,有的告诉我们要做一个适可而止的人,才能让我们获得更多物质和精神上的财富。热心网友 时间:2023-07-07 07:11
Anchoring is widely used in navigation when a ship arrives at a port it normally drops anchor at the anchorage when a ship waits for voyage order the ship must anchor at some places before a strong wind blows a ship must shift to the sheltered anchorage for avoiding contact or collision damage among ship or to the berth facilities in some areas anchoring is forbidden such as places with submerged cables or diving operations places with fishing nets etc anchoring is very important for safe operation of ships before anchoring the ship master must check the depth of the water the characteristics of sea bottom and wind and current situations good seamanship is essential