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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 15:52



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 08:04

General Catalog descriptions of Environmental Sciences courses:
Environmental Sciences 10 -- Introction to Environmental Sciences [3 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week and one 8-hour fieldtrip per semester.
Description: A survey of biological and physical environmental problems, focusing on geologic hazards, water and air quality, water supply, solid waste, introced and endangered species, preservation of wetland ecosystems. Interaction of technical, social, and political approaches to environmental management. (F,SP) Staff

Environmental Sciences 10L --Field Study in Environmental Sciences [1 unit]
Course Format: Two hours of fieldwork per week.
Prerequisites: 10 (must be taken concurrently).
Description: Field and laboratory studies of Strawberry Creek throughout its course from the hills to the Bay are used to exemplify integration of the physical, biological, and social components of science-based approaches to environmental management. (F) Berry, Kondolf

Environmental Sciences 100 -- Introction to the Methods of Environmental Science [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture, one hour of discussion, and one and one-half hours of fieldwork per week.
Prerequisites: Environmental sciences statistics requirement. Open only to declared environmental sciences majors.
Description: Introction to basic methods used in environmental research by biological, physical, and social scientists. The course is designed to teach skills necessary for majors to conct independent thesis research in the required senior seminar, 196A-196B/196L. Topics include development of research questions, sampling methods, experimental design, statistical analysis, scientific writing and graphics, and introctions to special techniques for characterizing environmental conditions and features. This course is the prerequisite to 196A, from which the senior thesis topic statement is determined.

Environmental Sciences 125 -- Environments of the San Francisco Bay Area [3 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture per week.
Description: The weather and climate, plants and animals, geology, landforms, and soils of the Bay Area, with an emphasis on the interaction of these physical elements, their modification by humans, and problems deriving from human use. (SP) Berry

Environmental Sciences 196A -- Senior Research Seminar in Environmental Sciences [3 units]
Course Format: Four hours of seminar per week.
Prerequisites: Senior standing in the E.S. major and 125.
Description: Seminar and published research reports giving detailed attention to a specific, current environmental problem in the Bay Area. (F,SP) Staff
For detailed descriptions about this course, please visit our ES 196 webpage.

Environmental Sciences 196B -- Senior Research Seminar in Environmental Sciences [3 units]
Course Format: Four hours of seminar per week.
Prerequisites: Senior standing in the ES major and ES 125.
Description: Seminar and published research reports giving detailed attention to a specific, current environmental problem in the Bay Area. (F,SP) Staff
For detailed descriptions about this course, please visit our ES 196 webpage.

Environmental Sciences 196L -- Senior Research Laboratory in Environmental Sciences [1 unit]
Course Format: Three hours of laboratory per week.
Prerequisites: Must be taken concurrently with Environmental Science 196A-196B.
Credit option: Course may be repeated for credit.
Description: Independent laboratory or field research in support of the required senior seminar project. (F,SP) Staff


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