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英语翻译初二 急!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 00:37



热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 12:32

难道答问题仅仅是为了悬赏分吗?我不同意!Our classroom area is narrow and small, and very low. We attend class with the book are not many, the printing quality is not good.the Mr./Mrs. level is not high, the treatment is not high. To busy farming season time, but must help in the family to do the farm work. we have the light and bright teaching building, but also has the laboratory, the language room, the microcomputer room, the library and so on. our book are various, full of meat. Many books are abundant and elegant. Teachers are the university graate, the teaching level is high, teaches wholeheartedly, is glad to help the student to solve the hard problem.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 12:32

Our classroom area is small, and very low.
We took classes with few books, poor quality printing.
The teacher's level is not high, treatment is not high. To a busy time, but also help the family farm work.
We have bright and spacious classroom buildings, as well as laboratories, language laboratories, computer rooms, libraries.
We book a wide variety, with rich content. Illustrated many books.
The teachers are university graates, teaching a high level, devoted teacher, willing to help students solve the difficult problems.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 12:33

Our classrooms are rather small, with low ceiling.

We have only a few textbooks, of poor printing quality.

Teachers do not have high ecation qualification and they have only low salary. During the busy time for farm work, they have to help also.

We hae bright and spacious school office building, and also laboratories, language labs,computer room, and library.

We have many types of book and they are rich in text and pictures.

teachers are university graates, with high standard in mathematics, and they are very focused to teach, and help students willingly to solve all kinds of problem.
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