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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 16:47



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 18:32

LONDON 2012: New Brand Unveiled Credit : LOCOG
A new brand has been adopted by the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, reflecting an updated vision for the 2012 Games, "Everyone's Games, everyone's 2012."

Part of the new brand is a new, easily recognizable, innovative Olympic emblem, which is based on the number 2012. The emblem uses the year of the London Games and shows the Olympic Rings, as well as the word "London". Similar in design is a new Paralympic Games emblem, which uses the same base as the 2012 Olympic emblem but includes the Paralympic agitos. The new emblems symbolize a dynamic London 2012, which will take advantage of the latest technology to make the Games accessible to as many people as possible -- wherever, whenever, and however.

While encouraging young people in particular to feel connected to the Games through active involvement in sporting and cultural events, ecation, or volunteering, the new emblems will also inspire positive change for everyone, challenging people to challenge themselves through the Olympic spirit.

The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem -- "Chinese Seal, Dancing Beijing," on the other hand, is filled with Beijing's hospitality and hopes, and carries the city's commitment to the world. Dubbed "Sky, Earth and Human Beings," the Paralympic emblem of Beijing 2008 is a stylized figure of an athlete in motion, implying the tremendous efforts a disabled person has to make in sports as well as in real life.

The Executive Board of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) has engaged in various discussions to make the Beijing Paralympic Games as magnificent as the Beijing Olympic Games.
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