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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 12:28



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 16:24






热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 16:24

Accompany high school mathematics, algebra, geometry two beads connected;
Between three basic mind heart, four non-trivial capacity.
Conventional five law practice every day, six strategies always changing,
Lapping mathematical seven thinking, thinking Guidance Endless lure.
Line: function main line (through textbooks always).
Two beads: the perfect pair of algebraic geometry (focus on knowledge intersection).
Three groups: Method (cooked) knowledge (prison) skills (clever)
Four capabilities: Concepts computing (accurate) logical reasoning (strict)
Spatial imagination (rich) decomposition problem (flexible)
Five law: change element method with method of undetermined coefficients, analysis, inctive method.
Six strategies: to Jane Yu Fan, being difficult is reversed, to retreat,
Of the differences for the same, deceitful, to meditate move.
Seven thought: The most important function equation, classification used to integrate,
Shuxingjiege offer all kinds of good, not from the conversion of normalized;
Since the infinite finite description, contingent eventually inevitable table,
Special syndrome more generally, knowledge interchange backgammon.
A collection of logical interaction table, and make the child pay return Complete Works .
Difficult to know right from wrong opening statement , that is non- distinct propositions ;
No crisscross the original inverse relationship between the four necessary and sufficient .
True false false non- non- true, or true and false operators odd .
Function of the number of columns
The number of columns function sub womb from arithmetic geometric rows .
How many columns summation method general term recursion idea to open ? ;
No bad separation of variables , functions, complex internal and external .
Monotonically with increasing differences less fixed , interval implicit dig the most value .
Triangle defined as the ratio students, rad intermetallic real melting ;
Same angle inced three types of good and poor half times clever workaround .
Three former solution if equilibrium solution after a pulse Cheng ;
Dahua small angle value , cut the strings meet with alienation .
Equations and Inequalities
Function equation ranging roots, often makes the parameter range raw ;
A positive two given three equal, the most value to the mean value theorem .
Parameter uncertainty than the size of two different three methods type certificate ;
Etc. and unequal no absolute separation of variables Fangyou Heng .
Analytic Geometry
Simultaneous equations intersection , clever design rather than seeking judgment ;
Vieta theorem chord table , slope transformed midpoint.
Select reference trajectory modeling demand curve symmetrical look away ;
Related to the definition of normalized fixed point , moving in order to quiet help resolve .
Solid Geometry
Multi-point collinear two personally , multi-line coplanar a clever method ;
Space three vertical chord excellent large spherical two minor arc small .
Line Line Line side to find the relationship , all things into diagonal line table ;
Authalic even projective transformation can rack up good cut through the bridge .
Permutations and combinations
Then multiply the classification step increase , I want to wish every neighborhood needs bundle plug ;
Ordered ranked disorder group , the anti exclude it being difficult .
Even repeated multiplication of elements , particularly yuan special place you acquire ;
In addition to average packet factorial , multi- headed little bit me .
Binomial theorem
Know a power of two , Miles general term to find the source ;
Expand the term refers to the Department of Sanding combination coefficient Pascal corner .
Divisible proof bottom becomes wonderful, two clever summation of special value ;
Who is the greatest ends of symmetry ? Peak list of small hills .
Probability and Statistics
Probability and Statistics from the same root , may occur randomly , etc. ;
Show a mutually exclusive events , independent of each other at the same time fight .
Sample population sample trial , repeat two separate points ;
Column distributed random variables , expected variance on the pseudo- true.追问您真逗。拿我开心了?不过我把那个不生气。嘿嘿嘿。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 16:25


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 16:25


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 16:26

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