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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 09:08



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:03


In Japan's life, very strange, awkward, restless feeling. All wants anxiously to practice the song every time, the dance, Japanese, but also has the LIVE stage. Really is oversteps with difficulty to my Japan stops up the wall. In order to becomes famous in Japan only then decides, but really has extremely many difficulties. But in the difficulty I obtain am a more pleasant to hear music, maturer dance, but also has Japanese. Has studied very many things, also had pondered very many, has studied very many, really is the very good experience. Although obtains very experiences, but always thinks of South Korea, I love friend, family member, but also has always drove my bean or sweet potato starch noodles, too have really thought of…

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:04

The life in Japan is so foreign, I often feel awkward and embarrassed.
I have to nervously go through countless auditions and rehearsals everyday, in addition to Japanese language classes and live performances.
To striking something big for me in Japan is like a mission impossible.
It was so hard for me to make this decision to develop a career in Japan, and there are so many difficulties.
What I get from going through all the troubles and hardship is greater music, better dance, and polished Japanese.
I have learned, thought, and researched so much, this is really a wonderful experience. However I do miss Korea, and my beloved family and friends, and of course my fans who keep inspiring me and cheering me up. Miss you so much, I really do...

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:04

Life in Japan, it is strange, embarrassed and uneasy feeling.
When all the tension every karaoke, dance, Japanese, and LIVE arena.
For me Japan is walls hard to overcome .
In order to fame in Japan before making a decision, but really have a lot of difficulties.
But the difficulty I have been listening to the music is better, more mature dance, and Japanese.
Learned a lot of things, but also a lot of thinking on a lot of really good experience.
Even though a lot of experience, but I always miss Korea, I love my friends, Family, and the fans who always encourage me, too miss ...
用了机器翻译,但是 加了 我自己的修改
希望 被采纳!!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:05

Life in Japan, it is strange, embarrassed and uneasy feeling.
When all the tension every karaoke, dance, Japanese, and LIVE arena.
For me it is hard to overcome Japan's walls.
In order to fame in Japan before making a decision, but really have a lot of difficulties.
But the difficulty I have been listening to the music is better, more mature dance, and Japanese.
Learned a lot of things, but also a lot of thinking on a lot of really good experience.
Even though a lot of experience, but always miss the Republic of Korea, I love the friends,
Family, and I always encourage the fans, too miss ...

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:06

In Japan's life, very strange, awkward, restless feeling. All wants anxiously to practice the song every time, the dance, Japanese, but also has the LIVE stage. Really is oversteps with difficulty to my Japan stops up the wall. In order to becomes famous in Japan only then decides, but really has extremely many difficulties. But in the difficulty I obtain am a more pleasant to hear music, maturer dance, but also has Japanese. Has studied very many things, also had pondered very many, has studied very many, really is the very good experience. Although obtains very experiences, but always thinks of South Korea, I love friend, family member, but also has always drove my bean or sweet potato starch noodles, too have really thought of…
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