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求翻译 QAQ

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 09:08



热心网友 时间:2023-08-13 20:00

A kind of self cognition psychology. "Two" is the title of "the second grade junior middle school" in Japanese, two disease literally is: some pathological grade youth [1] years of self consciousness. In fact, it is not limited to the second grade, also not necessarily is the formal sense of the disease, this is just a tease said. Because "two disease" is not a strict definition of the word, have different understanding through various channels to contact it would be, and appraise to have all, debate. This kind of consciousness are secretly to strengthen their desired state (such as mature, rational, out of the ordinary), and secretly rejection of unwanted state (such as ordinary, guilt, powerlessness). For example: -- "I and others are different." -- "I am wrong is not, is the world." "-- this is the mature." "If there is a counterexample --, we see above three." Basically this is many people have experienced (or experiencing a situation). Even the development of "exaggerated version of no two waste of youth".

热心网友 时间:2023-08-13 20:01

A kind of self cognition psychology. "Two" is the title of "the second grade junior middle school" in Japanese, two disease literally is: some pathological grade youth [1] years of self consciousness. In fact, it is not limited to the second grade, also not necessarily is the formal sense of the disease, this is just a tease said.
Because "two disease" is not a strict definition of the word, have different understanding through various channels to contact it would be, and appraise to have all, debate. This kind of consciousness are secretly to strengthen their desired state (such as mature, rational, out of the ordinary), and secretly rejection of unwanted state (such as ordinary, guilt, powerlessness). For example:
-- "I and others are different."
-- "I am wrong is not, is the world."
"-- this is the mature."
"If there is a counterexample --, we see above three."
Basically this is many people have experienced (or experiencing a situation). Even the development of "exaggerated version of no two waste of youth".

热心网友 时间:2023-08-13 20:01

翻译什么。 你问了吗追问就是那一段话……

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