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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 07:25



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 03:41

龟兔赛跑(Hare and tortoise)
剧中角色(共五人):bird,monkey, mother hare, hare, tortoise,

Bird: Friends, friends, come here and have a look.


The hare and the tortoise will have a match again.


Monkey: The hare and the tortoise will have a match?


Didn’t the hare lose last year? Why do that again?


Bird: Yes, the hare lost the match last year, and her mother was too angry to eat anything in two days.


Mother hare order them to have a match again this year.


Monkey: Oh, so it is.(原来是这样。)

Together: ( Music)...!

Monkey : Everybody, the match begins.(各就各位,比赛开始了。)

I’m the referee(我是裁判)

Hare and tortoise, ready?(小兔乌龟,准备好了吗?)

Mother hare: Honey! Honey! Come on! (亲爱的!亲爱的!快过来!)

Have some coffee.(喝些咖啡。)

Hare: Mom, oh, I can’t drink it all.


Mother hare: It can help you keep alert on the way. (它可以让你精精神神的。)

My little dear! Drink it quickly!(亲爱的!快点喝了它!)

Monkey: Mother hare, the match is going to begin.(兔妈妈,比赛要开始了。)

Mother hare: Ah! The match is going to begin.(啊!比赛要开始了。)

Monkey: Please ready, go!(预备,跑!)

Birds: Come on, come on! (加油,加油!)

Tortoise will be the winner.(乌龟赢!) Tortoise will be the winner(乌龟赢!)

Hare: Yi? I know this tree, oh, yes! The grass is very soft.(我认识这棵树,是的,草软软的。)

I fell asleep comfortable under the big tree. (树下睡觉舒舒服服的。)

This time I won’t sleep.(这次我不会再睡了。)

Oh? There are two routes. Here or there? Which one(这里有两条路,这儿?那儿 ?哪条啊?)

Mom, mom, help me, help me! (妈妈,妈妈,帮帮我,帮帮我。)

Tortoise: Hare, let me tell you, turn to the right.(小兔,我告诉你,向右。)

Hare: Ah! Tortoise, you’re here? So fast! (啊!乌龟,你跑到这儿了?这么快!)

Come on, come on! (我得加油了!)

He’s my opponent, Can I believe him? choose the right way?No!


After I run farther, he will turn to the left,


Then I will lose the match.(那我就要输了这场比赛。)

Oh, yes, I should choose the left way. Run faster!(哦,是的,我应该选走边,快跑!)

Tortoise: Hare, hare, you’ve gone a wrong way. (小兔,小兔,你跑错路了。)

Come back, come back. (回来,回来。)

My friends come and help me!(伙伴们,快过来,帮帮我!)

Together: Tortoise, why don’t you run fast? (乌龟,你为什么不快跑?)

Mother hare: Oh, tortoise, Is it your turn to sleep under the tree this time?


Tortoise: Mother hare, look! Your daughter’s got a wrong way.


Mother hare: Oh, my god, why? Why is she going there?


Didn’t you tell her it’s a wrong way?


Tortoise: I told her, but she didn’t believe me.


She said “mother told me the opponent is the enemy. I couldn’t believe you.”


Mother hare: Yes, I said that.(我是说过。)

My daughter’s got a wrong way, she can’t win the match. You run please!


Tortoise: Mother hare, she’s got the wrong way, it’s unfair to her, I must find her.


Hare mother: Tortoise, you, you’re a good boy.


The match won’t go on. My daughter loses at the very beginning because of me.


Tortoise: Mother hare, it’s not important to win or lose the match.


Let’s call her back,OK?(让我们把她喊回来吧!)

Together: Yes, you are right. OK!(是的,你说的对。)

Hare, hare, come back. Come back.(小兔,小兔,回来。回来。)

爱丽丝梦游仙境(Alice's Adventures in)
Alice in wonderland (New Edition)

Yoyo: It is story time. Alice, hurry up!

Je y: I am coming.

Yoyo: ring is here. Flowers blo om in the ring time. Butterflies fly in the ring time. Children play in the ring time.

To y: My god! I am late. I am late!

Je y: Wait for me, wait for me, please.

Daniel, Eric, Tina, Richard, Lucy小茶壶,歌曲I am a little teapot.

歌词:I am a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle. Here is my out. When I start to steam up, then I shout, tip me over and pour me out.

Tina: A beautiful girl!

Eric: A strange girl!

Richard: Who are you?

Je y: My name is Alice. I feel thirsty and hungry.

Lucy: Please drink some water.

Daniel: Please eat some bread.

Je y: Thank you. Do you see the white ra it?

小茶壶们合: No, we don’t.

Je y: I want to find him. Bye bye.

小茶壶们合: Bye bye.

Je y: It’s a big garden. There are many beautiful flowers.

Erica, Beauty, Jasmin, Rose, Amanda, Julia小仙女舞蹈,歌曲Bu les

歌词: Bu les, bu les, blow, blow, blow. Bu les, bu les, blow, blow, blow. What are you doing, doing, doing, doing? What are you doing, doing, doing, doing? I am blowing bu les.

Je y: Do you see the white ra it?

小仙女们合: No, we don’t.

国王和王后Helen Demi

Helen: Who are you?

Je y: My name is Alice.

Demi: I know a fun game. Let’s play together.

Je y and Demi: Paper-sci ors-stone.(三次)

Demi: I’m the number one. I’m the number one!

Helen: Don’t be angry. Playing cards, come on!

Richard, Thomas, Jack, Jo y扑克牌

扑克牌合:Stop! Stop! No ru ing! No ru ing!

Helen and Demi: Catch her! Catch her! Catch her!

Je y: Don’t catch me! Help! Help! Help!

Yoyo: Alice, wake up, wake up!

Je y: I’m coming back! It’s a dream!

Je y and Yoyo: Laughing……
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