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那位英语高手能帮我翻译一下这个作文 题目是第一次来丹东 60到80个单词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 08:52



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 12:33

For the first time in Dandong
In September 2, 2007 along with her father and I went to Dandong,
I want to go to college in Dandong, so we take from the Shenyang Dandong rushed to the train, arrived in Dandong is 8:30 p.m., in the next street, I can see the broad Plaza train station, as I am of the school is located in River Edge, so we rely on the river bank will be able to taxi to reach my university, I saw the Yalu River Bridge, I am very excited.
The next day I see the dawn of Dandong has a lot of ginkgo trees, and the campus side of the road, everywhere can see the ginkgo tree, heard here in the beautiful autumn, I am looking forward to see the fall of Dandong.
Here indeed is a very beautiful city

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 12:33

For the first time in Dandong
In September 2, 2007 along with her father and I went to Dandong,
I want to go to college in Dandong, so we take from the Shenyang Dandong rushed to the train, arrived in Dandong is 8:30 p.m., in the next street, I can see the broad Plaza train station, as I am of the school is located in River Edge, so we rely on the river bank will be able to taxi to reach my university, I saw the Yalu River Bridge, I am very excited.
The next day I see the dawn of Dandong has a lot of ginkgo trees, and the campus side of the road, everywhere can see the ginkgo tree, heard here in the beautiful autumn, I am looking forward to see the fall of Dandong.
Here indeed is a very beautiful city

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 12:34

Dandong for the first time in September 2, 2007 along with her father and I went to Dandong, because I wanted to go to college in Dandong, so we take from the Shenyang Dandong rushed to the train, arrived in Dandong is a 20:30 In the next street, I can see the broad Plaza train station, as I am of the school is located in River Edge, so we will be able to hit cars on the river bank, I arrived at the university, I saw the Yalu River Bridge, I am very excited. The next day I see the dawn of Dandong has a lot of ginkgo trees, and the campus side of the road, everywhere can see the ginkgo tree, heard here in the beautiful autumn, I am looking forward to see the Dandong.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 12:34

Dandong for the first time in September 2, 2007 along with her father and I went to Dandong,I want to go to college in Dandong, so we take from the Shenyang Dandong rushed to the train, arrived in Dandong is 8:30 p.m., in the next street, I can see the broad Plaza train station, as I am of the school is located in River Edge, so we rely on the river bank will be able to taxi to reach my university, I saw the Yalu River Bridge, I am very excited. The next day I see the dawn of Dandong has a lot of ginkgo trees, and the campus side of the road, everywhere can see the ginkgo tree, heard here in the beautiful autumn, I am looking forward to see the Dandong

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 12:35

若cpu一秒执行n次运算需耗能5w,那执行2n次运算要耗能是大于小于还是等于... 大神们,N5G跟N5W哪里不一样? 刚出生的婴儿会感冒吗 刚出生宝宝感冒的症状 怀庄永佳福代理,什么品牌白酒好呢? 做白酒品牌代理,有怀庄永佳福牌子怎么样? 怀庄永佳福白酒喝得人多吗?代理怎么样? 为什么很多女性都把男闺密当作结婚对象? 关于电影“罗生门”的问题 实际利率法是指什么 石头含有什么矿物质 这属于是什么石头?还是什么矿物质? 矿石?石头?还是什么? 关于渑池县秋景的作文 描写秋天梨树的作文 石头,矿石?还是玉。 碎石和饰面用材(都是碳酸钙成分)是不是共生或是伴生矿产 丹巴的秋天的作文 复绿矿山可以私自买卖石子吗是否违法 丹东的秋天 作文 要求:800字 凡属于矿石类属于国家所知了,不是矿石,是石头是谁所有 这个石头是矿物质吗? 干瑶柱该怎么做呢?除了堡粥以外的做法哦 建筑开挖基础,开挖出来的沙石料属于矿产资源吗 铁路施工挖出来的石头算不算矿产资源? 猴妈妈和小猴子去摘桃子小猴子和妈妈各摘了多少个桃子,我们一共摘了20个桃子,我再多摘六个就和妈? 碎石开采是否属于矿产开采?是否有法律依据。 普通石头属于矿吗? 非金属矿产品包括砂石吗? 石头属于矿产资源吗 大孤山逛庙会作文 qq上的文档怎么打包成为一个 如何上好小学数学观察的范围 华为PP_AL20怎么解屏幕密码 比较观察类科学教案 ppa-al20如何硬格 观察法的主要特点有哪些教师如何正确应用观察法 用QQ传输文件的时候怎么样把多个文件打包? 桦南县运动会开幕式观后感作文三百字。 载货电梯的介绍 简易货梯可否再用 沙县县运动会开幕式由城一小学表演 载货电梯的品牌推荐? 简易吊笼算不算强制驱动载货电梯 急求 学校运动会开幕式报告 请教:“载货电梯”的准确定义? 货运电梯为什么不能载人 节约能源法规定,国家对家电实行什么管理 保洁培训那里去?要想学到真技术、请到河北洁之美。欢迎实地考察!说的再好不如到公司实地考察。投资有风 旧电器电子产品流通管理办法