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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 07:19



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 09:28

We have the Instrial Revolution in the late eighteenth century to thank for this magnificent collection of art works. During those times of great prosperity, a great many artists lived the North West of England and glorious collections were formed in the greater Manchester region by the wealthy.
About the exhibition
This exhibition offers a fascinating parallel to the wider intellectual, cultural and political life of the nation. This was a period ring which Britain emerged as a modern nation, not by outright revolution, but by the impassioned lead of remarkable indivials, often themselves non-conformists in the religious or political sense.
In Manchester, a new and progressive school of economists was established in the nineteenth century and a political alternative to the London-based conservative hegemony was fostered.
This exhibition draws on this rich legacy of art in the North West and celebrates the open-mindedness of the collectors and their belief that art should be enjoyed by all. While the contributing galleries and museums have different specialisations, by drawing on the entire spectrum of styles, the exhibition presents a comprehensive survey of the development of British painting from the mid-eighteenth century to the present day.
It includes mainstream as well avant-garde art, twenty-first century works as well as two-century old works, paintings as well as drawings, historical and religious subjects as well as portraiture and landscapes (two staples of British art), along with works depicting everyday life in a kind of artistic vernacular. It celebrates the indiviality and eccentricity of British art as well as its sophistication and extraordinary levels of intrinsic skill.
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