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帮我翻译一下这段话呗 我急用 谢谢 汉译英

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 07:19



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 09:25

(B) the title of the phonological features of ads (phonological features of advertising slogans headlines)
(1) the use of polysemy can increase the readability of information, so that publicity has the characteristics of word games and more to attract the attention of the reader;
From Sharp Minds Come Sharp Procts. (SHARP)
(Each a Sharp, Sharp, who are dedicated and wise.)
In this slogan in, SHARP twice, the first meaning is "smart, witty," meaning, and the second means that there is a pun: it refers to the proct brand "Sharp", but also the quality and performance , but the 2 also can be used as inter-SHARP is just to understand the text.
(2) rhyme, which in many languages have been using, especially in the poetry style is more common, it can increase the appeal of the language;
SECOND TO NONE (purina One --- Dongs & Cats'food)
(Pu-Li satisfied first that there is unparalleled. Pu --- power satisfied the first dog food and cat food)
(3) alliterative;
Best in Business. (Swissair)
(The best choice for business travel. - Swiss Air)
(4) use the same suffix.
Achieving the impossible?
It's always possible. (Philips)
(As long as the effort deep into a铁杵embroidery needle. - Philip)
(C) the title of English ads or banners of lexical features (lexical features of advertising headlines or slogans)
(1) the extensive use of colloquial vocabulary:
Spoken language has a user-friendly, easy communication and lively and vivid character as to be easily acceptable to a wide audience. For example, saying, slang, as well as emerging, not yet included dictionary, but the majority of their known or recognized the words often appear in ads, especially the title of languages. For example:
The only truck tough enough to handle childhood. (Chevy Astro --- like a rock)
(Only the car, can bring about a happy childhood. --- Chevy Astro --- rock-solid)
Here is a typical spoken word, which means the pun: not easy to wear and tear is not only the meaning of tenacity: the spoken language in the top and tough good, great meaning. It was used in the ad and the brand slogan echoed each other like a rock on a solid body, even in the naughty naughty child did on the body by non-destructive; also said that the eyes of children, this car is the best because It is designed to take full account of the needs of children.
(2) foreign language, the use of abbreviations;
When friends pop in, make them feel like honored guests with this crisp, dry mėthode champenoise sparkling wine. (CORDON NEGRO BRUT BY FREIXENET There's A Party In Every Bottle.)
(A friend has come, of course, fresh and smooth wine selection --- in order to expel the French way of incense special brewing black ribbon --- --- every bottle dry white banquet are available for use.)
(3) the use of adjectives and verbs.
Learn from the stylistic point of view, the adjective is an open part of speech, its role is modified, and described the term, so that more vivid language ads, image. In addition to prototype adjective, the adjective of comparison level and is the most common means of high-level.
Significant moments. (Omega)
(A note of your solemn moment. --- Omega watches)
Verb in the ad's use of language to slightly less than the adjective, but the language is still advertising an effective means of expression.
(1) and a small number of monosyllabic verbs such as multi-syllable verbs, such as the use of high frequency, but is of special significance for multi-syllable verbs (more than from the Latin of the ancient Anglo-Saxon rather than the choice of English was very cautious;
(2) a variety of word variations, such as the gerund, present participle, past participle or infinitive, such as the use of non-predicate form of the verb than the frequency of the prototype; This is because the advertising language, especially the title or slogan more often than not by the standards of a complete sentence, but by a particular phrase or grammatical structure of the composition;
Perfecting the art of sight and sound. (JVC)
(To create the perfect audio-visual arts. - JVC electronic procts)
(3) compound words, and since the flexibility in the use of coinage.
What could be delisher than fisher. (Fisher)
(What good can surpass fisherman? --- Fisherman Licensing)
Delisher here is fabricated in accordance with the delicious, in order to fish the back of the brand on the fisher in the corresponding morphology.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 09:25

平安银行信用卡长什么样 四川洁净板多少钱一米 现在有一家医院的手术室需要做铅防护,地面需要用硫酸钡水泥,我想问下... 医院墙面防辐射处理多少一平方 炸鸡怎么做才好吃,外酥里嫩(炸鸡怎么才能外脆里嫩又香脆?) 炸鸡怎么做又嫩又好吃? 普渡福建民俗 荷兰共和国的衰亡目录 现在有叉车证好找工作吗 ...新手学叉车证大概多久 持证了新手去工厂好找工作吗 不屈不挠 用英语怎么说? high tenacity是什么意思 O(∩_∩)O~ 我还想请问下,哪里可以查到港股的财务指标呢? 我在新浪财经等网站上都只找到财务报表。 讲一个故事谈谈自己是怎么学*,五年级的学生,作文题目是*在我心中老师让写一件事情具体说明自己是 作文:发生在身边涉及学法,用法,守法,护法的故事 农村学法用法示范户主要事迹怎么填写 怎么填学法小标兵申报表里的主要事迹? 我家大桌子这样摆风水好吗? 我家的老桌子想知道是什么木质和年代? 为什么我家的木桌子很粘? 吃饭微信付费后为什么会出现抽奖和贷款 我家的饭桌作文 我家的桌子是长2米宽5米怎么算出它的平方米 我家的桌子高80厘米,椅子高46厘米,我的身高184cm,桌子椅子合适不合适? 我家的桌子以前有过两次明显的抖动,没有地震,也没有任何征兆,就好好突然就抖起,还蛮厉害的,其他的家 我家的小书桌作文600字 我家的书桌小练笔用反衬的写法 我家的桌子被师傅搞坏了,现在找不到师傅,可以报警吗 我家的桌子说明文600字 我家的桌子作文3年级字 写一篇“守法小公民与法同行”为主题的作文,可以写什么生活中的事例啊? Good luck is another name for tenacity of purpose 英文。拉丁文。问题! justapieceofwork什么意思 快要结婚了男友突然反悔,说是他太轻了配不上我,我一头雾水,他就发一段英语给我,求帮我翻一下啥意思 一直用小米平板2的充电器充电可以吗 PHP有没有可以截取某一字符后的内容的函数 小米平板2不能用车载充电器充电器吗 缩写红楼梦经典章书500字作文 ASP:在提交表单到b.asp时,如何将表单中输入的值以b.asp?content="输入的表单内容"的形式实现呢? 非互联网专业应届生,怎么才能进入大厂实习呢? 大厂实习生福利好但是工资低,如果是你,你愿意去吗? UGG classic mini还是classic short更适合腿粗的人穿? 暑期西安杨森实习我有必要去么? 如何拿到大厂的实习呢? 如何评价任天堂发布的怀旧主机Nintendo Classic Mini 到底买mini好还是classic好 大四应届毕业生急需三方协议,刚收到大厂实习offer(不能转正)下周入职,能否找朋友公司盖章? YY看电影老是被YY秀通知挡住 捷波朗CLASSIC 新易行 这一款和mini有什么区别,哪个好一点