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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 22:07



热心网友 时间:2023-06-23 13:17

With the development of science and technology, more and more classrooms have adopted the teaching mode of combining computer screen and blackboard.On the one hand,in this mode, the use of PowerPoint has become a favorite of teachers.It is convenient for teachers to use PPT to show their academic achievements.They can highlight the words and headings to attract students' attention.On the other hand,Using PPT to display course knowledge is easy for students to watch and extract notes, so that they can grasp the knowledge more clearly.

In my opinion,the benefits of using powerpoint are many,so the use of PPT in daily life is more and more welcome.

热心网友 时间:2023-06-23 13:17

语作文 1人们越来越提倡在英语课堂中有更多的交流 2通过交流,教师与学生都能从中受益 3我的观点
作业帮用户 英语 2017-10-05
In recent years, intercommunication between teachers and students plays an ever increasing role in English class. Two major factors contribute to the realizing of the importance of communication. On one hand, students may gain advantage in learning English by practicing speaking English with their instructors more frequently rather than just memorizing the vocabulary and grammar without talking. On the other hand, teachers can also be benefit from communicating with their students because they are more likely to figure out the English problems of an indivial by listening to what the student said. To sum up, it seem to me that communication can exert a positive effect on both students and teachers in classes despite the longer time and more efforts are needed.
再检查一下语法或拼写错误,good luck
作业帮用户 2017-10-05 举报

如果你是老师,你会怎样和你的学生相处 英语作文
初中三年即将毕业你想对老师同学说些什么英语作文 要翻译 速度
英语作文 自行车是重要的交通工具 对学生的好处 和注意事项 英语英语作文

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