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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 18:52



热心网友 时间:2023-11-23 15:24


Androcentrism means thatmales lead the world. It comes from the ancient living style. In the ancienttimes, the proctivity is really in a low status. In the meantime, menprovides the strength which helps the society move on. So under such asituation, males are really important. In the andrecentrism, the wife must obeyhusband’s orders. Females cannot reject what their husbands say and areregarded as animals which could be sold and hit freely. Husband is in charge ofanything. Husband is always right and wife is always wrong. Husband never doeshousework, never look after kids and never go shopping with wife. Husband isthe slave owner and wife is the slave. Husband can have affairs but wife can’t.It’s obvious that the females at that time really had a hard time. Nowadays,the androcentrism has been changed. The dross has wiped off with the advantagesleft such as responsibility, decision and reliability. Men with androcentrism isvery proud and confident with courage and creativity. They play an importantrole in the society, work and family, bringing safety to people around. On thecontrary, men with androcentrism have some disadvantages. For example, theywill lead the family to incompatibility and make their children uncomfortable.In some extreme instances, they are the cause of the divorce and crimes.However, anything depends on the exact person. Different men have differentperformance.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-23 15:24

a man who is androcentrism,that he is not care of others feelings and dignity.
such as ,when he faced to difficulties or defeat ,he just think about himself how to get out of it ,instead of taking care of other people and work together then deal with it .
he donnot how to share happiness or sadness with his friend or families. taking all the thing in his heart .
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