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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 17:50



热心网友 时间:2023-11-10 03:03

Old McDonald has a farm(很可爱的歌啊)
Old McDonald had a Farm,E I E I O.
And on his farm he had a cat, E I E I O.
With a meow meow here
and meow meow there.
here a meow there a meow,
everywhere a meow meow.
Old McDonald had a Farm, E I E I O.

Old McDonald had a Farm,E I E I O.
And on his farm he had a dog,E I E I O.
With a wau wau here
and wau wau there.
here a wau there a wau,
everywhere a wau wau.
Old McDonald had a Farm,E I E I O.

Old McDonald had a Farm, E I E I O.
And on his farm he had a ck, E I E I O.
With a quack quack here
and quack quack there.
here a quack there a quack,
everywhere a quack quack.
Old McDonald had a Farm, E I E I O.
cow moo

Old McDonald had a Farm, E I E I O.
And on his farm he had a cow , E I E I O.
With a moo moohere
and moo moo there.
here a moo there a moo,
everywhere a moo moo.
Old McDonald had a Farm, E I E I O.

Old McDonald had a Farm,E I E I O.
And on his farm he had a turkey, E I E I O.
With a gobble gobble here
and gobble gobble there.
here a gobble there a gobble ,
everywhere a gobble gobble .
Old McDonald had a Farm, E I E I O.

Old McDonald had a Farm,E I E I O.
And on his farm he had a pig, E I E I O.
With a oink oink here
and oink oink there.
here a oink there a oink,
everywhere a oink oink.
Old McDonald had a Farm, E I E I O.

Old McDonald had a Farm,E I E I O.
And on his farm he had a sheep, E I E I O.
With a baa baa here
and baa baa there.
here a baa there a baa,
everywhere a baa baa.
Old McDonald had a Farm, E I E I O.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-10 03:03

apple round
apple red
apple juice ,apple sweet
apple ,apple
l love u
apple juice ,ilove 2 eat

热心网友 时间:2023-11-10 03:04

DONKEY, DONKEY 小学生都能学会哦。

热心网友 时间:2023-11-10 03:05

God is a girl..好听又简单

热心网友 时间:2023-11-10 03:05

there are ten green bottles hang ong the wall. if ong green bottle >>>>>>>>>>>>there are nine green bottles hang on the wall>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>there are no one bottles hang on the wall
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