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Someone You Love 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 17:21



热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 17:22

歌曲名:Someone You Love
歌手:Phil Vassar
专辑:American Child

(Phil Vassar/Rob Thomas)
My moment of need was my finest hour
But all I needed was someone to make me
Turn myself around
I could see by the way we never talk
And how we're always separated
By the room
'til all the walls come tumblin' down
Seems to me that we should touch
Let me know if that's askin' for too much
If I was someone you love
You'd be shaken by now
If I was someone you need we'd be better now
If I was someone you cared for
You'd be holdin' me
They say you'll do the damnedest things you
Could ever think of
For someone you love
It ain't easy but it's worth it in the end
Let's try again my friend, the sum of all
The love is greater than
All these pieces that are lyin' on the floor
And all the words we're sayin' now can't
Change the ones we've said before
So we smile and let it go
You tell me you love me but I know
If I was someone you love
You'd be shaken by now
If I was someone you need we'd be better now
If I was someone you cared for
You'd be holdin' me
They say you'll do the damndest things you
Could ever think of
For someone you love
If I was someone you love
You'd be shaken by now
If I was someone you need we'd be better now
If I was someone you cared for
You'd be holding me
If I was someone that mattered
You'd disagree
They say you'll do the damnedest things you
Could ever think
They say you'll do the damnedest things you
Could ever think of for someone you love
Someone you love
Yeah, you're someone I love
Girl, I'd do anything
I'd do anything

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