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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 14:27



热心网友 时间:2022-04-24 15:57

// crt_times.c
// compile with: /W1
// This program demonstrates these time and date functions:
// time _ftime ctime_s asctime_s
// _localtime64_s _gmtime64_s mktime _tzset
// _strtime_s _strdate_s strftime
// Also the global variable:
// _tzname

#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
char tmpbuf[128], timebuf[26], ampm[] = "AM ";
time_t ltime;
struct _timeb tstruct;
struct tm today, gmt, xmas = { 0, 0, 12, 25, 11, 93 };
errno_t err;

// Set time zone from TZ environment variable. If TZ is not set,
// the operating system is queried to obtain the default value
// for the variable.

// Display operating system-style date and time.
_strtime_s( tmpbuf, 128 );
printf( "OS time:\t\t\t\t%s\n ", tmpbuf );
_strdate_s( tmpbuf, 128 );
printf( "OS date:\t\t\t\t%s\n ", tmpbuf );

// Get UNIX-style time and display as number and string.
time( <ime );
printf( "Time in seconds since UTC 1/1/70:\t%ld\n ", ltime );
err = ctime_s(timebuf, 26, <ime);
if (err)
printf( "ctime_s failed e to an invalid argument. ");
printf( "UNIX time and date:\t\t\t%s ", timebuf );

// Display UTC.
err = _gmtime64_s( &gmt, <ime );
if (err)
printf( "_gmtime64_s failed e to an invalid argument. ");
err = asctime_s(timebuf, 26, &gmt);
if (err)
printf( "asctime_s failed e to an invalid argument. ");
printf( "Coordinated universal time:\t\t%s ", timebuf );

// Convert to time structure and adjust for PM if necessary.
err = _localtime64_s( &today, <ime );
if (err)
printf( "_localtime64_s failed e to an invalid argument. ");
if( today.tm_hour > = 12 )
strcpy_s( ampm, sizeof(ampm), "PM " );
today.tm_hour -= 12;
if( today.tm_hour == 0 ) // Adjust if midnight hour.
today.tm_hour = 12;

// Convert today into an ASCII string
err = asctime_s(timebuf, 26, &today);
if (err)
printf( "asctime_s failed e to an invalid argument. ");

// Note how pointer addition is used to skip the first 11
// characters and printf is used to trim off terminating
// characters.
printf( "12-hour time:\t\t\t\t%.8s %s\n ",
timebuf + 11, ampm );

// Print additional time information.
_ftime( &tstruct ); // C4996
// Note: _ftime is deprecated; consider using _ftime_s instead
printf( "Plus milliseconds:\t\t\t%u\n ", tstruct.millitm );
printf( "Zone difference in hours from UTC:\t%u\n ",
tstruct.timezone/60 );
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