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发布网友 发布时间:2022-02-26 06:55



热心网友 时间:2022-02-26 08:24

Based on the 'Guardians of Ga'hoole' series by Kathryn Lasky, 'Legend of the Guardians' tells the tale of Soren (Jim Sturgess), a young Tyto owl obsessed with the stories of his youth about the Guardian owls who protect the owl kingdoms. After he and his brother, Kludd (Ryan Kwanten) are kidnapped by the evil "Pure Ones," Soren must fulfill his fantasies by searching for the Guardians to help save the owl kingdoms from the grip of the leader of the nefarious Metalbeak (Joel Edgerton).

For the past half-decade, Zack Snyder has proved himself to be one of the most talented up-and-coming young directors in the instry. Jumping onto the scene with his remake of 'Dawn of the Dead' in 2004, which is easily one of the best remakes and horror films of the decade, Snyder went on to prove his visual genius with the action epics '300' and 'Watchmen.' This time, he turns attention to the fantasy genre, making one of the most visually stunning animated films of all time.

With an artist like Snyder at the helm of 'Legends of the Guardian,' there was never any worry about the beauty of the film. His talent was easily transferable to animation because his previous films utilized quite a bit of their own stellar CGI, particularly the blood-splattered landscapes of '300.' Therefore, the one element of the film that would need extra attention is the script. And, this is what held 'Legends of the Guardian' from its chance at an all-around masterpiece, rather than just a visual one. Now, the script itself isn't bad in the slightest. However, it does not do justice to the other qualities it had along with it. The pacing is quite possibly the biggest problem. Due to it's relatively short running time, the story felt rushed through without enough much care. This also eliminated the chance to have much emotion towards any of the characters, good or bad, other than "oohing and ahhing" at the beauty & cuteness of the different owl species.

Overall, however, the minour scripting issues of the film do not detract enough from the film to hurt it completely. It is still a visual masterpiece with some of the finest animation one can find. The voice acting is fantastic, as is the scoring by Kevin Teasley. With a few changes to the script and a longer runtime, 'Legends of the Guardian' could have been a true classic in the instry. Instead, however, it will instead have to be satisfied with being solely a visual art piece.


热心网友 时间:2022-02-26 09:42


热心网友 时间:2022-02-26 11:17


热心网友 时间:2022-02-26 13:08

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