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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 15:07



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 05:36

How to Succeed in a Job Interview?
As is known to us all, to succeed in a job interview is of great importance for us college graates in that we 'll stand a good chance of getting a satisfactory job in the future if we succeed in it. Then, how to succeed in a job interview?
In the first place, we should dress properly in order to leave a good impression on the interviewers. If we are polite enough towards the interviewers, we will be able to win respect from them and we'll be more likely to get the job we want to. In the second place, we should speak both clearly and fluently ______ we should make sufficient preparations before being interviewed. What's more, self-confidence is also an important factor, which can help us bring our ability into full play. We shall succeed in a job interview so long as we put the above-mentioned principles into practice. As a result, we'll be most likely to get the job we have been dreaming of.
Low-Carbon Living

1.当今社会提倡低碳环保的生活方式 2.低碳环保的生活方式的益处 3.我该怎么做
Low-Carbon Living
In order to preserve our environment, a new lifestyle ____ low-carbon
living is being promoted around the world.
It is universally acknowledged that low-carbon lifestyle is of great importance for the whole world. For one thing, it will help us to save our resources and get rid of excessive amount of greenhouse gases. For another, it is beneficial to the sustainable development of our society, which enables our next generations to live a better and superior life. As college students, we should have a strong sense of protecting our environment. When studying with a computer, we are supposed to turn off the programs that we aren’t working with and rece the screen brightness as much as possible in order to save electricity. When going somewhere, we are supposed to go there on foot or by bike instead of taking a bus or driving a car. Only in this way can we own a better living environment.
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