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求dnd里的关于法师的小说 要国外的 谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 16:53



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 19:35




热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 19:36

其他就没有法师的了,但是 魔装 龙* 被遗忘国度 写的也不错。
实际上建议你玩玩龙之世纪 无冬之夜超经典

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 19:36



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 19:37

龙与地下城(Dungeons & Dragons)
│ ├—折磨(Torment)
│ ├—痛苦之页(Pages of Pain)
│ └—血腥战争三部曲(Blood Wars Trilogy)
│ ├—1.血战人质
│ ├—2.深渊武士
│ └—3.位面之力
├—浩劫残阳(Dark Sun)
│ ├—一人部落三部曲
│ │ ├—被逐者(The Outcast)
│ │ ├—追寻者(The Seeker)
│ │ └—流浪者(The Nomad)
│ ├—五棱镜
│ │ ├—翠绿道路(The Verdant Passage)
│ │ ├—深红军团(The Crimson Legion)
│ │ ├—琥珀女巫(The Amber Enchantress)
│ │ ├—黑曜神龛(The Obsidian Oracle)
│ │ └—蔚蓝风暴(The Cerulean Storm)
│ └—阿塔斯历代记
│ ├—阴谋(The Brazen Gambit)
│ ├—黎明前的黑暗(Darkness Before the Dawn)
│ ├—断刃(The Broken Blade)
│ ├—朱红阴影(Cinnabar Shadows)
│ └—龙王兴衰录(The Rise and Fall of a Dragon King)
│ ├—Against the Giants
│ ├—City of Hawks
│ ├—Come Endless Darkness
│ ├—Dance of Demons
│ ├—Descent into the Depths of the Earth
│ ├—Keep on the Borderlands
│ ├—Knight Arrant
│ ├—Master Wolf
│ ├—Queen of the Demonweb Pits
│ ├—Saga of Old City
│ ├—Sea of Death
│ ├—The Artifact of Evil
│ ├—The Demon Hand
│ ├—The Eyes Have It
│ ├—The Name of the Game
│ ├—The Price of Power
│ ├—The Temple of Elemental Evil
│ └—White Plume Mountain
├—被遗忘的国度(Forgotten Realms)
│ ├—伊尔明斯特之旅三部曲(Elminster's Travels)
│ │ ├—1.伊尔明斯特_法师之路
│ │ ├—2.伊尔明斯特在米斯.扎诺尔
│ │ └—3.伊尔明斯特的*
│ ├—冰风溪谷三部曲(Icewind Dale)
│ │ ├—1.The Crystal Shard
│ │ ├—2.Streams of Silver
│ │ └—3.侏儒的宝石(The Halfling's Gem)
│ ├—发现者之石三部曲
│ ├—天神凡身三部曲(Avatar Trilogy)
│ ├—失落帝国系列
│ ├—竖琴者系列
│ ├—马兹卡三部曲
│ ├—魔池三部曲
│ └—黑暗精灵三部曲(Dark Elf Trilogy)
│ ├—1.故土
│ ├—2.*
│ └—3.旅居
│ ├—我,斯托德(I, Strahd)
│ ├—迷雾之地的吸血鬼(Vampire of the Mists)
│ ├—黑玫瑰邪鬼(Spectre of the Black Rose)
│ └—黑玫瑰骑士(Knight of the Black Rose)
│ └—披风之主轨道号系列
│ ├—1.月球远端
│ ├—2.航入虚空
│ └—5.破碎晶系
│ ├—1.秋暮之巨龙(Dragons of Autumn Twilight)
│ ├—2.冬夜之巨龙(Dragons of Winter Night)
│ ├—3.春晓之巨龙(Dragons of Spring Dawning)
│ ├—4.收藏版(Chronicles Collector's Edition)
│ └—5.评注版(The Annotated Dragonlance Chronicles)
├—02.夏焰之巨龙(Dragons of Summer Flame)
├—03.灵魂之战三部曲(the War of Soul)
│ ├—1.落日之巨龙(Dragons of a Fallen Sun)
│ ├—2.陨星之巨龙(Dragons of a Lost Star)
│ └—3.!推测应该是在2002年出版
│ ├—1.时光之卷(Time of the Twins)
│ ├—2.战争之卷(War of the Twins)
│ └—3.试炼之卷(Test of the Twins)
│ ├—1.大平原之子(Children of the Plain)
│ ├—2.龙之兄弟(Brother of the Dragon)
│ └—3.!
│ ├—1.克莱恩的魔法(The Magic of Krynn)
│ ├—2.坎德人、古力矮人和侏儒(Kender,Gully Dwarves,and Gnomes)
│ ├—3.爱情与战争(Love and War)
│ ├—4.伊斯塔的统治(The Reign of Istar)
│ ├—5.大灾变(The Cataclysm)
│ ├—6.长*之战(The War of the Lance)
│ ├—7.传说精选(The Best of Tales)
│ └—8.英雄系列(Heroes)
│ ├—1.修玛的传说(The Legend of Huma)
│ ├—2.暴风之剑(Stormblade)
│ ├—3.鼬鼠的好运气(Weasel's Luck)
│ ├—4.米诺陶斯人卡兹(Kaz,the Minotaur)
│ ├—5.索巴丁之门(The Gates of Thorbardin)
│ └—6.骑士加伦(Galen Beknighted)
│ ├—1.黑暗和光明(Darkness and Light)
│ ├—2.坎德摩尔(Kendermore)
│ ├—3.玛哲理兄弟(Brothers Majere)
│ ├—4.平原之子河风(Riverwind,The Plainsman)
│ ├—5.佛林特国王(Flint,The King)
│ └—6.阴影年代的坦尼斯(Tanis,The Shadow Years)
├—08.精灵国度三部曲(Elven Nations)
│ ├—1.初生(First Born)
│ ├—2.阋墙之战(The Kinslayer War)
│ └—3.奎灵那斯提(The Qualinesti)
├—09.会面六重奏系列(Meetings Sextet)
│ ├—1.家族精神(Kindred Spirits)
│ ├—2.流浪癖(Wanderlust)
│ ├—3.黑暗之心(Dark Heart)
│ ├—4.誓言和标准(The Oath and the Measure)
│ ├—5.钢和石(Steel and Stone)
│ └—6.同伴(The Companions)
├—10.矮人国度三部曲(Dwarven Nations)
│ ├—1.铸造之盟约(Covenant of the Forge)
│ ├—2.铸造之盟约(Covenant of the Forge)
│ └—3.剑源卷轴(The Swordsheath Scroll)
│ ├—1.面具之前(Before the Mask)
│ ├—2.黑翼(The Black Wing)
│ ├—3.安 』实?Emperor of Ansalon)
│ ├—4.大神官韩德瑞克(Hederick the Theocrat)
│ ├—5.大地精投德(Lord Toede)
│ └—6.黑暗之后(The Dark Queen)
├—12.巨龙文集三部曲(Dragons Anthologies)
│ ├—1.克莱恩之巨龙(Dragons of Krynn)
│ ├—2.战争之巨龙(Dragons at War)
│ └—3.混乱之巨龙(Dragons of Chaos)
├—13.魔法守护者三部曲(Defenders of Magic)
│ ├—1.黑夜之眼(Night of the Eye)
│ ├—2.美杜莎灾难(The Mesa Plague)
│ └—3.第七哨兵(The Seventh Sentinel)
├—14.失落的历史系列(Lost Histories)
│ ├—1.皇冠骑士(Knights of the Crown)
│ ├—2.马奎丝塔.卡松(Maquesta Kar-Thon)
│ ├—3.圣剑骑士(Knights of the Sword)
│ ├—4.泰洛斯.艾昂菲尔德(Theros Ironfield)
│ ├—5.玫瑰骑士(Knights of the Rose)
│ ├—6.索斯爵士(Lord Soth)
│ └—7.任性骑士(The Wayward Knights)
│ ├—1.黑袍达拉玛(Dalamar the Dark)
│ ├—2.塔西斯的谋杀案(Murder in Tarsis)
│ ├—3.要塞(The Citadel)
│ └—4.遗产(the Inheritance)
├—17.混乱之战系列(chaos war)
│ ├—1.毁灭旅队(The Doom Brigade)
│ ├—2.龙人的尺度(Draconian Measures)
│ ├—3.最后的领主(the Last Thane)
│ ├—4.夜空之泪(Tears of the Night Sky)
│ ├—5.傀儡国王(the Puppet King)
│ ├—6.血海的掠夺者(Reavers of the Blood Sea)
│ └—7.无关山脉之围(The Siege of Mt. Nevermind)
├—18.新时代巨龙系列(Dragons of a New Age)
│ ├—1.新时代的曙光(The Dawning of a New Age)
│ ├—2.暴风雨之日(the Day of the Tempest)
│ └—3.漩涡前夜(The Eve of the Maelstrom)
│ —盗贼行会(The thieves' Guild)
│ ├—隐秘的圆周(The Clandestine Circle)
│ └—龙之诈骗(Dragon's Bluff)
├—20.失落的传说系?Lost Legends)
│ ├—1.威纳斯.索兰那斯(Vinas Solamnus)
│ ├—2.费斯坦但提勒斯的再生(Fistandantilus Reborn)
│ └—3.崔普施普林格叔叔的故事(Tales of Uncle Trapspringer)
├—21.第五纪元传说系列(Tales of the Fifth Age)
│ ├—1.反抗和暴君(Rebels and Tyrants)
│ ├—2.英雄和笨蛋(Heroes and Fools)
│ └—3.崩溃和预兆(Relics and Omens)
├—22.雷斯林三部曲(Raistlin Chronicles)
│ ├—1.灵魂熔炉(The Soulforge)
│ ├—2.手足兄弟(Brothers in Arms)
│ └—3.!
├—23.时代的桥梁系列(Bridges of Time)
│ ├—1.风之精神(Spirit of the Wind)
│ ├—2.斯蒂尔的遗产(Legacy of Steel)
│ ├—3.银梯(The Silver Stair)
│ ├—4.玫瑰和骷髅(The Rose and the Skull)
│ └—5.德兹拉的任务(Dezra's Quest)
├—24.读者之友系列(Reader's Companion)
│ └—吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗(The Odyssey of Gilthanas)
├—25.达蒙正史三部曲(Dhamon Saga)
│ ├—1.衰落(Downfall)
│ ├—2.出卖(Betrayal)
│ └—3.!
│ ├—1.使者(The Messenger)
│ ├—2.!
│ └—3.!
└—第二代(The Second Generation)

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 19:35




热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 19:36

其他就没有法师的了,但是 魔装 龙* 被遗忘国度 写的也不错。
实际上建议你玩玩龙之世纪 无冬之夜超经典

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 19:36



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 19:37

龙与地下城(Dungeons & Dragons)
│ ├—折磨(Torment)
│ ├—痛苦之页(Pages of Pain)
│ └—血腥战争三部曲(Blood Wars Trilogy)
│ ├—1.血战人质
│ ├—2.深渊武士
│ └—3.位面之力
├—浩劫残阳(Dark Sun)
│ ├—一人部落三部曲
│ │ ├—被逐者(The Outcast)
│ │ ├—追寻者(The Seeker)
│ │ └—流浪者(The Nomad)
│ ├—五棱镜
│ │ ├—翠绿道路(The Verdant Passage)
│ │ ├—深红军团(The Crimson Legion)
│ │ ├—琥珀女巫(The Amber Enchantress)
│ │ ├—黑曜神龛(The Obsidian Oracle)
│ │ └—蔚蓝风暴(The Cerulean Storm)
│ └—阿塔斯历代记
│ ├—阴谋(The Brazen Gambit)
│ ├—黎明前的黑暗(Darkness Before the Dawn)
│ ├—断刃(The Broken Blade)
│ ├—朱红阴影(Cinnabar Shadows)
│ └—龙王兴衰录(The Rise and Fall of a Dragon King)
│ ├—Against the Giants
│ ├—City of Hawks
│ ├—Come Endless Darkness
│ ├—Dance of Demons
│ ├—Descent into the Depths of the Earth
│ ├—Keep on the Borderlands
│ ├—Knight Arrant
│ ├—Master Wolf
│ ├—Queen of the Demonweb Pits
│ ├—Saga of Old City
│ ├—Sea of Death
│ ├—The Artifact of Evil
│ ├—The Demon Hand
│ ├—The Eyes Have It
│ ├—The Name of the Game
│ ├—The Price of Power
│ ├—The Temple of Elemental Evil
│ └—White Plume Mountain
├—被遗忘的国度(Forgotten Realms)
│ ├—伊尔明斯特之旅三部曲(Elminster's Travels)
│ │ ├—1.伊尔明斯特_法师之路
│ │ ├—2.伊尔明斯特在米斯.扎诺尔
│ │ └—3.伊尔明斯特的*
│ ├—冰风溪谷三部曲(Icewind Dale)
│ │ ├—1.The Crystal Shard
│ │ ├—2.Streams of Silver
│ │ └—3.侏儒的宝石(The Halfling's Gem)
│ ├—发现者之石三部曲
│ ├—天神凡身三部曲(Avatar Trilogy)
│ ├—失落帝国系列
│ ├—竖琴者系列
│ ├—马兹卡三部曲
│ ├—魔池三部曲
│ └—黑暗精灵三部曲(Dark Elf Trilogy)
│ ├—1.故土
│ ├—2.*
│ └—3.旅居
│ ├—我,斯托德(I, Strahd)
│ ├—迷雾之地的吸血鬼(Vampire of the Mists)
│ ├—黑玫瑰邪鬼(Spectre of the Black Rose)
│ └—黑玫瑰骑士(Knight of the Black Rose)
│ └—披风之主轨道号系列
│ ├—1.月球远端
│ ├—2.航入虚空
│ └—5.破碎晶系
│ ├—1.秋暮之巨龙(Dragons of Autumn Twilight)
│ ├—2.冬夜之巨龙(Dragons of Winter Night)
│ ├—3.春晓之巨龙(Dragons of Spring Dawning)
│ ├—4.收藏版(Chronicles Collector's Edition)
│ └—5.评注版(The Annotated Dragonlance Chronicles)
├—02.夏焰之巨龙(Dragons of Summer Flame)
├—03.灵魂之战三部曲(the War of Soul)
│ ├—1.落日之巨龙(Dragons of a Fallen Sun)
│ ├—2.陨星之巨龙(Dragons of a Lost Star)
│ └—3.!推测应该是在2002年出版
│ ├—1.时光之卷(Time of the Twins)
│ ├—2.战争之卷(War of the Twins)
│ └—3.试炼之卷(Test of the Twins)
│ ├—1.大平原之子(Children of the Plain)
│ ├—2.龙之兄弟(Brother of the Dragon)
│ └—3.!
│ ├—1.克莱恩的魔法(The Magic of Krynn)
│ ├—2.坎德人、古力矮人和侏儒(Kender,Gully Dwarves,and Gnomes)
│ ├—3.爱情与战争(Love and War)
│ ├—4.伊斯塔的统治(The Reign of Istar)
│ ├—5.大灾变(The Cataclysm)
│ ├—6.长*之战(The War of the Lance)
│ ├—7.传说精选(The Best of Tales)
│ └—8.英雄系列(Heroes)
│ ├—1.修玛的传说(The Legend of Huma)
│ ├—2.暴风之剑(Stormblade)
│ ├—3.鼬鼠的好运气(Weasel's Luck)
│ ├—4.米诺陶斯人卡兹(Kaz,the Minotaur)
│ ├—5.索巴丁之门(The Gates of Thorbardin)
│ └—6.骑士加伦(Galen Beknighted)
│ ├—1.黑暗和光明(Darkness and Light)
│ ├—2.坎德摩尔(Kendermore)
│ ├—3.玛哲理兄弟(Brothers Majere)
│ ├—4.平原之子河风(Riverwind,The Plainsman)
│ ├—5.佛林特国王(Flint,The King)
│ └—6.阴影年代的坦尼斯(Tanis,The Shadow Years)
├—08.精灵国度三部曲(Elven Nations)
│ ├—1.初生(First Born)
│ ├—2.阋墙之战(The Kinslayer War)
│ └—3.奎灵那斯提(The Qualinesti)
├—09.会面六重奏系列(Meetings Sextet)
│ ├—1.家族精神(Kindred Spirits)
│ ├—2.流浪癖(Wanderlust)
│ ├—3.黑暗之心(Dark Heart)
│ ├—4.誓言和标准(The Oath and the Measure)
│ ├—5.钢和石(Steel and Stone)
│ └—6.同伴(The Companions)
├—10.矮人国度三部曲(Dwarven Nations)
│ ├—1.铸造之盟约(Covenant of the Forge)
│ ├—2.铸造之盟约(Covenant of the Forge)
│ └—3.剑源卷轴(The Swordsheath Scroll)
│ ├—1.面具之前(Before the Mask)
│ ├—2.黑翼(The Black Wing)
│ ├—3.安 』实?Emperor of Ansalon)
│ ├—4.大神官韩德瑞克(Hederick the Theocrat)
│ ├—5.大地精投德(Lord Toede)
│ └—6.黑暗之后(The Dark Queen)
├—12.巨龙文集三部曲(Dragons Anthologies)
│ ├—1.克莱恩之巨龙(Dragons of Krynn)
│ ├—2.战争之巨龙(Dragons at War)
│ └—3.混乱之巨龙(Dragons of Chaos)
├—13.魔法守护者三部曲(Defenders of Magic)
│ ├—1.黑夜之眼(Night of the Eye)
│ ├—2.美杜莎灾难(The Mesa Plague)
│ └—3.第七哨兵(The Seventh Sentinel)
├—14.失落的历史系列(Lost Histories)
│ ├—1.皇冠骑士(Knights of the Crown)
│ ├—2.马奎丝塔.卡松(Maquesta Kar-Thon)
│ ├—3.圣剑骑士(Knights of the Sword)
│ ├—4.泰洛斯.艾昂菲尔德(Theros Ironfield)
│ ├—5.玫瑰骑士(Knights of the Rose)
│ ├—6.索斯爵士(Lord Soth)
│ └—7.任性骑士(The Wayward Knights)
│ ├—1.黑袍达拉玛(Dalamar the Dark)
│ ├—2.塔西斯的谋杀案(Murder in Tarsis)
│ ├—3.要塞(The Citadel)
│ └—4.遗产(the Inheritance)
├—17.混乱之战系列(chaos war)
│ ├—1.毁灭旅队(The Doom Brigade)
│ ├—2.龙人的尺度(Draconian Measures)
│ ├—3.最后的领主(the Last Thane)
│ ├—4.夜空之泪(Tears of the Night Sky)
│ ├—5.傀儡国王(the Puppet King)
│ ├—6.血海的掠夺者(Reavers of the Blood Sea)
│ └—7.无关山脉之围(The Siege of Mt. Nevermind)
├—18.新时代巨龙系列(Dragons of a New Age)
│ ├—1.新时代的曙光(The Dawning of a New Age)
│ ├—2.暴风雨之日(the Day of the Tempest)
│ └—3.漩涡前夜(The Eve of the Maelstrom)
│ —盗贼行会(The thieves' Guild)
│ ├—隐秘的圆周(The Clandestine Circle)
│ └—龙之诈骗(Dragon's Bluff)
├—20.失落的传说系?Lost Legends)
│ ├—1.威纳斯.索兰那斯(Vinas Solamnus)
│ ├—2.费斯坦但提勒斯的再生(Fistandantilus Reborn)
│ └—3.崔普施普林格叔叔的故事(Tales of Uncle Trapspringer)
├—21.第五纪元传说系列(Tales of the Fifth Age)
│ ├—1.反抗和暴君(Rebels and Tyrants)
│ ├—2.英雄和笨蛋(Heroes and Fools)
│ └—3.崩溃和预兆(Relics and Omens)
├—22.雷斯林三部曲(Raistlin Chronicles)
│ ├—1.灵魂熔炉(The Soulforge)
│ ├—2.手足兄弟(Brothers in Arms)
│ └—3.!
├—23.时代的桥梁系列(Bridges of Time)
│ ├—1.风之精神(Spirit of the Wind)
│ ├—2.斯蒂尔的遗产(Legacy of Steel)
│ ├—3.银梯(The Silver Stair)
│ ├—4.玫瑰和骷髅(The Rose and the Skull)
│ └—5.德兹拉的任务(Dezra's Quest)
├—24.读者之友系列(Reader's Companion)
│ └—吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗(The Odyssey of Gilthanas)
├—25.达蒙正史三部曲(Dhamon Saga)
│ ├—1.衰落(Downfall)
│ ├—2.出卖(Betrayal)
│ └—3.!
│ ├—1.使者(The Messenger)
│ ├—2.!
│ └—3.!
└—第二代(The Second Generation)
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