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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 17:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 14:30

I gave this answer to a similar question on NeoGAF:

"Sort of. Releasing a game in the chinese market means that you need to send it to the Chinese Government for approvals and that always takes forever (remember that the original Ori release was also delayed for China for the exact same reason)... So we're still talking to MS about adding Chinese support.

I can't really say anything definitive about that yet, but we're definitely hearing all the Chinese fans that are a little soured. I love that we had so many languages in the original game, so we're definitely trying to get that back in :)"

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 14:30

I gave this answer to a similar question on NeoGAF:

"Sort of. Releasing a game in the chinese market means that you need to send it to the Chinese Government for approvals and that always takes forever (remember that the original Ori release was also delayed for China for the exact same reason)... So we're still talking to MS about adding Chinese support.

I can't really say anything definitive about that yet, but we're definitely hearing all the Chinese fans that are a little soured. I love that we had so many languages in the original game, so we're definitely trying to get that back in :)"

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 14:30

I gave this answer to a similar question on NeoGAF:

"Sort of. Releasing a game in the chinese market means that you need to send it to the Chinese Government for approvals and that always takes forever (remember that the original Ori release was also delayed for China for the exact same reason)... So we're still talking to MS about adding Chinese support.

I can't really say anything definitive about that yet, but we're definitely hearing all the Chinese fans that are a little soured. I love that we had so many languages in the original game, so we're definitely trying to get that back in :)"

热心网友 时间:2023-11-12 15:28

I gave this answer to a similar question on NeoGAF:

"Sort of. Releasing a game in the chinese market means that you need to send it to the Chinese Government for approvals and that always takes forever (remember that the original Ori release was also delayed for China for the exact same reason)... So we're still talking to MS about adding Chinese support.

I can't really say anything definitive about that yet, but we're definitely hearing all the Chinese fans that are a little soured. I love that we had so many languages in the original game, so we're definitely trying to get that back in :)"

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 14:30

I gave this answer to a similar question on NeoGAF:

"Sort of. Releasing a game in the chinese market means that you need to send it to the Chinese Government for approvals and that always takes forever (remember that the original Ori release was also delayed for China for the exact same reason)... So we're still talking to MS about adding Chinese support.

I can't really say anything definitive about that yet, but we're definitely hearing all the Chinese fans that are a little soured. I love that we had so many languages in the original game, so we're definitely trying to get that back in :)"

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 14:30

I gave this answer to a similar question on NeoGAF:

"Sort of. Releasing a game in the chinese market means that you need to send it to the Chinese Government for approvals and that always takes forever (remember that the original Ori release was also delayed for China for the exact same reason)... So we're still talking to MS about adding Chinese support.

I can't really say anything definitive about that yet, but we're definitely hearing all the Chinese fans that are a little soured. I love that we had so many languages in the original game, so we're definitely trying to get that back in :)"
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