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se the tree     var trunk = root;     while (trunk) {       trunk.grow();       trunk = trunk.parent;     }   }   // prepare the canvas   var canvas = {     elem: document.getElementById('canvas'),     resize: function() {       this.width = this.elem.width = this.elem.offsetWidth * resolution;       this.height = this.elem.height = this.elem.offsetHeight * resolution;       this.centerX = this.width * 0.5;       this.centerY = this.height * 0.5;     }   }   var ctx = canvas.elem.getContext("2d");   window.addEventListener('resize', canvas.resize.bind(canvas), false);   canvas.resize();   // pointer events   var pointer = {     x: 0,     y: 0,     px: 0,     py: 0,     moveDistance: 0,     move: function(e) {       e.preventDefault();       var pointer = e.targetTouches ? e.targetTouches[0] : e;       // stop automove       if (automove) {         automove = false;         document.getElementById("clic").innerHTML = "";       }       this.x = pointer.clientX * resolution;       this.y = pointer.clientY * resolution;       this.distance();       // render tree       requestAnimationFrame(tree);     },     distance: function() {       var dx = this.x - this.px;       var dy = this.y - this.py;       this.moveDistance += Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);       // speed limit       if (!automove && this.moveDistance > 40) {         this.x = this.px + dx * 0.1;         this.y = this.py + dy * 0.1;       }       this.px = this.x;       this.py = this.y;     }   }   window.addEventListener("mousemove", pointer.move.bind(pointer), false);   canvas.elem.addEventListener("touchmove", pointer.move.bind(pointer), false);   // auto start   ! function auto() {     automove && requestAnimationFrame(auto);     // lissajou     pointer.x = canvas.centerX + canvas.centerX * Math.cos(angleX += 0.02) * 0.20;     pointer.y = canvas.centerY + canvas.centerY * Math.sin(angleY += 0.04) * 0.25;     pointer.distance();     // create the first branch     if (!root) {       root = new Branch(false, maxLevels, hue, pointer.x, pointer.y);       root.p0 = root.p1;       root.p0.project();     }     // render tree     tree();   }(); }();   </script> </body> </html>

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