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高分悬赏,求救英语高手翻译!!! 翻译下面的一段文章!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 20:47



热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 03:40

The graate student ecates the development the scale and the level is a national higher ecation development important symbol, is representing a national raise high level talented person's ability, decided to a great extent a national the science swells the level, since 20th century 60's, because America and Soviet strive for hegemony the need science and technology progress, US's graate student ecated has obtained the very big development.According to the American federation Ministry of Ecation's statistics, in 1969, the nation altogether had the undergraate course specialized enrolled students 6,884,000 people, in the school graate student 935,000 people, in 1999, the nation altogether had this faculty enrolled students 12,681,200 people, in the school graate student 1,806,800 people, ring 30 years this faculty enrolled students and the graate student population increased 84%, the graate student increased 89.2% in the school population, the latter rate of rise has surpassed the former, in 1999 the nation with was 7.02:1,1999-2000 year nation altogether awards vice-bachelor and the bachelor's degree 998 339 people in the collated and corrected copy junior college student in the school graate student's proportion, master and the doctorate 238 157 people, the two proportion was 4.19: 1, in the graate student degree, between master and doctor's proportion is 6.97:1. Is same with US, our country's graate student ecates also includes master and doctor two stages, but looked on its and this specialist training proportional relationship, between our country and US has the very big difference.In 2003 our country higher ecation this faculty enrolled students were 9,097,300 people, in the school graate student 301,200 people, between the two proportion was 30.2:1, was US's five times.In the school graate student, master the graate student 233,900 people, doctor the graate student 67,300 people, between the two proportion is 3.84:1, is higher than US greatly.In addition, expands in recent years higher ecation incurs, the graate student population speed is lower than the speed which this faculty recruitment of students population increases.In 2000 the nation recruited the graate student 128,500 people, recruited this junior college student 1,084,000 people, in 2002 recruited the graate student 215,600 people, recruited this junior college student 2,206,100 people, ring two years the graate student recruited students the population to grow 77.24%, this faculty recruitment of students population grew 103.5%. Looks over the Chinese and American higher ecation hierarchical structure comparison to be possible to see, both countries existence obvious difference, among our country higher ecation big, two small, in particular the graate student ecates the proportion which occupies excessively to be small

翻译的还可以吧 嘿嘿

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 03:41

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